hello all i am new to iphone development i am working on a application called flash cards...
my problem is i want to generate flash cards from database...
here is some code to explain
home screen---- index View categoryView TileView bookmarks search download
indexView is a uitableView
category1(section header title) flashCard1 flashcard2 flashcard3 category2(section header title) flashcard4 flashcard5 flashcard6
now i want to pass the flashcard's from categoryid so in different category flashcards related to the category should be shown. and when click on first flash card the flashcardid should be passed to the query from which i can generate the questions.and also the flashCradsmust be distinct by category type..for example..if categorytype=1 the the flash cards should be of type multiple choice if categorytype=2 the flashcards should be of type vocabulary if type=3 flashcards= graphics observation
here is some database info---- cardCategoryInfo(table) categoryId categoryName CategoryType
flashCardInfo(table) flashCardId categoryId flashCardName
flashCardQuestionInfo(table) questionId flashCardId questionText questionTotalOption isAudioAvailable questionAnswer
flashCardMultipleAnswer(table) questionId optionId optionText
someone help me