




I think the 3.0 update is coming out in July 09, that is about 30 days away.

Coming from a C# background, I am learning objective C and my way around a mac.

Should I start learning with the 2.2 or 3.0?


Look at them both, pick the one you like, and stick with it.

How does that make any sense?
+2  A: 

I think to learn Objective-C and the Cocoa way it does not matter what iPhone OS and device you use, since the differences are subtle. But if you want to explore one the new features like video editing, you will need the new device.

iPhone OS 3.0 will be available worldwide June 17.

Nikolai Ruhe
+2  A: 

iPhone 3.0 is landing soon, and after it comes everyone with an iPhone is going to be using that. iTouch's can upgrade too, for $10. If you want to develop for the iPhone you have to be thinking about and testing for 3.0. If you're still learning Objective-C, it probably doesn't matter. Its not a new version of the Objective-C langugage, its a new version of the SDK and APIs. You could start learning on the current SDK now no problem.

It sounds like you haven't written an app yet, and if that's the case by the time you have 3.0 will be in everyone's hands, in which case you'll want to upgrade and test accordingly.

+2  A: 

Apple has said that it will not approve new iPhone apps which are not compatible with iPhone 3.0, so if you are looking to write iPhone apps, 3.0 is the way to go.

+1  A: 

As of a couple weeks ago, you have to test on 3.0. If you're just starting now, go 3.0 all the way.

+1  A: 

It's not a big deal which one you go with. They added a bunch of new APIs, but the basics (which is what you'll be learning for at least the first 30 days) are the same. It's not like the change in the versions of C# where the language changed significantly between versions. Objective-C is unchanged, Cocoa Touch just has stuff added.
