Is there any integration of PHPUnit with Eclipse PDT?
If not, are there any plans to do so?
Is there any integration of PHPUnit with Eclipse PDT?
If not, are there any plans to do so?
Sebastian Bergmann did approach pdt back in 2006... but with no obvious result.
And his latest entries on his blog only mention PHPEdit 2.12 and Zend Studio.
The only testing framework officially documented on the PDT side is the "PDT Testing Framework", and it does not seem actively maintained...
So, no. There does not seem to be any plan to actively integrate PHPUnit in PDT anytime soon.
It is possible to integrate PHPUnit with PDT in a simple way (these settings aren't fully generic but should be a good starting point).
Now select Run > External Tools > PHPUnit to execute the selected test file. This simply executes phpunit and sends STDOUT to the Eclipse terminal. Simple but effective.
Subsequently, you can use the icon with a green arrow and red toolbox to run PHPUnit without having to navigate the menus.
(disclaimer: I am absolutely not the developer of the project I'm speaking about here; only a user ^^ (And as I don't know JAVA, it would be quite hard for me to help by contributing code... So this is my way of helping :-) ) )
There is currently work in progress on that side : a few weeks ago (maybe no more than two weeks), the first of a project of integrating phpunit in Eclipse has been released:
What it does:
For some kind of screenshot, see
Unfortunately, it is not (yet?) developed as an Eclipse plugin:
Anyway, this is work in progress, the project is still quite young, and it's only a first step...
A google group has been created for that project a few time ago:
It is currently empty, but I'm sure it would help if some people joined in, gave their thoughts, and why not, helped!
I tried PHP Unit in Eclipse and was not happy with the configuration issues. I switched to NetBeans PHP IDE. I recommend NetBeans PHP IDE for PHP Unit testing.
You have and integration of PHPUnit on top of PDT in Zend Studio. There is a CE edition too.
Hi, we just have been released a Eclipse plugin named MakeGood. This plugin integrates PHPUnit with Eclipse PDT. Visit our website at:
I also run PHPUnit as an external tool like DavidWinterbottom proposed.
One thing I also add depending on the type of project is going into Build Options tab and selecting first options after : "run the builder :". This triggers the unit tests to be run every time you save a file. This is great to get a really quick red-green-refactor feedback loop.
I have posted the entire steps with screenshots here :