



It's pretty simple. There's a c++ function that uses ByRef parameters to return three variables at the same time.

STDMETHODIMP CReportManager::GetReportAccessRights(long lReportCode, VARIANT_BOOL *bShared, VARIANT_BOOL *bRunOnly, VARIANT_BOOL *bCopy)

However, the VBScript ASP code doesn't seem to pick up the new values for bShares, bRunOnly, and bCopy when calling the c++ function.

dim bAllShared, bAllCopy, bAllRunOnly
bAllShared = true
bAllCopy = true
bAllRunOnly = true
m_oReportManager.GetReportAccessRights CLng(m_lRptCod), CBool(bAllShared), CBool(bAllRunOnly), CBool(bAllCopy)
'bAllShared always equals true

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Can anyone explain why this works this way?

+3  A: 
Euro Micelli
Awesome reply!! Thanks.
+1 for very thorough answer.

Another crummy solution, which was implemented in this case was to use VB6 to wrap the c++ function call and provide the 3 referenced variables as functions of the VB6 COM object.

Option Explicit
Private bSharedaccess As Boolean
Private bRunOnlyaccess As Boolean
Private bCopyaccess As Boolean

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal oSession As Starbridge.Session, ByVal lReportID As Long)

    bSharedaccess = True
    bRunOnlyaccess = False
    bCopyaccess = True
    Call oSession.ReportManager.GetReportAccessRights(lReportID, bSharedaccess, bRunOnlyaccess, bCopyaccess)

End Sub

Public Function GetSharedAccess()
    GetSharedAccess = bSharedaccess
End Function

Public Function GetRunOnlyAccess()
    GetRunOnlyAccess = bRunOnlyaccess
End Function

Public Function GetCopyAccess()
    GetCopyAccess = bCopyaccess
End Function