




-edit- Thanks everyone i figured it out with your suggestions and syntax you wrote.

This is what i am attempting to do but for the life of me i cant figure out how to write the SQL statement (sqlite until prototype is done, will switch to another SQL which i havent decided upon yet).

        command.CommandText =
            "SELECT mc.date " +
            "FROM media_comment AS mc "+
            "LEFT JOIN media_comment AS mc2 ON mc.parentId = mc2.id AND mc2.author=@userId " +
            "LEFT JOIN media AS m ON m.mediaId = mc.mediaId " +
            "WHERE (mc.author=@userId AND mc.date>@date) AND(" +
                "(mc.parentId == 0 AND mc.mediaId == m.mediaId AND m.userId!=@userId) OR " +
                "(mc.parentId == mc2.id AND mc2.author=@userId)" +

original SQL with errors and wrong syntax:
//m = media
//mc2 = media_comment but a different row
SELECT date FROM media_comment AS mc
WHERE (mc.author=@userId AND mc.date>@date)
    (mc.parentId == 0 AND mc.mediaId == m.mediaId AND m.userId!=@userId) OR
    (mc.parentId == mc2.id AND mc2.author=@userId)
+2  A: 

If I understand what you want, you must put two times the table in the from with different alias:

SELECT date FROM media_comment AS mc, media_comment AS m 
WHERE (mc.author=@userId AND mc.date>@date)
    ((mc.parentId == 0 AND mc.mediaId == m.mediaId AND m.userId!=@userId) OR
    (mc.parentId == mc2.id AND mc2.author=@userId))
You can't have two Where clauses.
You should replace the second WHERE with AND.
Cătălin Pitiș
You are missing parenthesis around your OR clause, it will run the statement if the last OR matches with no other guaranteed matches.
I wish you would use ANSI syntax.
+3  A: 
    media_comment AS mc, 
    media_comment AS m 
WHERE (mc.author=@userId AND mc.date>@date)
        (mc.parentId == 0 AND mc.mediaId == m.mediaId AND m.userId!=@userId) 
        (mc.parentId == mc2.id AND mc2.author=@userId)
+2  A: 

I'm not sure if I fully understand the business rules behind the query but I see a couple of problems:

The tables associated with the aliases m and mc2 are not declared There are two where clauses

FROM media_comment mc
JOIN media m
ON m.mediaID = mc.mediaId
WHERE mc.author = @userID and mc.date > @date
AND ((mc.parentID = 0 AND m.userId != @userId) 
OR (exists select 1 from media_comment mc2 where mc.parentID = mc2.id AND mc2.author = mc.author))

This query gets the date of a comment that meets the following criteria

Is written by the author specified in @author and was posted after the date @date and meets either of the following two criteria:

A) Comment was root comment (no parent) was introduced by someone other than the person that created the media item

B) Comment is a child commemt of a comment written by @userId

James Conigliaro
Your Join part is what got me on track and the rest of the statement help me understand how to write my where clause. A and B is exactly what i was trying to do but i realize now it should of been mc2.author NOT mc.author. I'm surprise you understood what i was doing instead of only reading my sql trying to correct my syntax issues and writing the conditions i wanted :)

First off, your question isn't very clear and that seems to be causing a lot of confusion.

Secondly, we need more context; where are the other variables coming from? (m and mc2) Can you show us the queries or defines that create them?

If you can address those issues I think you'll get much better results from your question.
