There are couple of posts that are asking about PhD etc but they don't answer my question.
I have few years left till I finish my undergraduate course (MEng CS), but I already started thinking of doing PhD and honestly cannot make my mind about it. Some people say that it might be worth doing PhD after I graduate as the economic situation may still not be stabilised and after doing PhD generally you have more career options then without it.
I wonder if this is true, especially after I read this post. Please help me with that guys, tell me what is your opinion about it. I am interested in getting answers related to employability, skills gained/lost during PhD. I am as well aware that if I apply for an internship in the future some of the employers might not be very happy knowing that I'd like to do PhD, as this would be postpone my start date.
I extremely enjoy programming, problem solving and discovering new things/features and these are the main reasons why I think of doing PhD. On the other hand I don't know if this is the right move, if for 3 years (time of doing PhD), I could (maybe) work for a very good company that pays very well and is fun to work for...
Looking forward to know what is your point of view about it :)