I have a large dataset that needs to be displayed for users and looking for Swing's JTable like component in JavaFX.
You can wrap JTable to be used in JavaFX. Check out the following article http://java.dzone.com/articles/javafx-reintroduce-swing-jtabl
2009-06-11 16:14:25
The article looks interesting but the code will not work under JavaFX 1.2.
2009-06-12 07:25:51
You may also find more info at http://weblogs.java.net/blog/aim/archive/2009/06/insiders_guide.html
2009-06-12 18:38:30
I recommend you read Amy Fowler's recent blog post (especially point 6):
Any Swing component can be embedded in a JavaFX scene graph using the SwingComponent wrap() function. This conveniently allows you to directly leverage those Swing components which you've already configured, customized, and hooked to your application data; all that Java code can remain happily unmodified. Once you've created the structure of your scene's layout, you can pull your Swing components into the appropriate locations.
Matthew Hegarty
2009-06-16 10:17:16