



I have a rails application using the acts_as_rateable plugin.

I'm stuck on figuring out how to retrieve unrated models using this plugin - however this is more of a general rails/SQL question than specific to this plugin.

Acts as rateable adds the following to the schema:

create_table "ratings", :force => true do |t|
    t.integer  "rating",                      :default => 0
    t.string   "rateable_type", :limit => 15, :default => "", :null => false
    t.integer  "rateable_id",                 :default => 0,  :null => false
    t.integer  "user_id",                     :default => 0,  :null => false
    t.datetime "created_at"
    t.datetime "updated_at"

  add_index "ratings", ["user_id"], :name => "fk_ratings_user"

And my rated models also have a user id column.

I'd like to be able to retrieve all instances of a particular model that haven't been rated at all, and also all instances that haven't been rated by someone other than the creator of the model, e.g. here is one model:

class Review < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :user

So I want something like the following pseudocode

Review.find(:all, :conditions=>"not rated by anyone")
Review.find(:all, :conditions=>"not rated by anyone except review.user")

However I can't figure out the SQL to do this, nor the rails magic to generate that SQL :-)

Update: this query seems to find all models that ARE rated by somebody other than the user that owns the model. So I think I just need to invert this somehow.

  :joins=>'left join ratings on && ratings.rateable_type="Review"', 
  :conditions=>'reviews.user_id <> ratings.user_id', 
+1  A: 

Named scopes are the way to go for this problem. I would add two named scopes to your Review model. Something like:

class Review < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :user

  named_scope :not_rated, :conditions => { :rating => 0 }
  named_scope :not_rated_by_others,
              :conditions => ["user != ? AND rating == 0", self.user]

Then you can do:

@not_rated = Review.not_rated
@not_rated_by_others = Review.not_rated_by_others

There's a Railscast that explains named scopes.

EDIT: Second Attempt

Right, let's have another go! One of the problems is that there are multiple acts_as_rateable plugins out there. I've been testing using this one on RubyForge.

class Review < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user


  named_scope :not_rated, :select => 'reviews.*',
              :joins => 'left join ratings on = ratings.rateable_id',
              :conditions => 'ratings.rateable_id is null'

  named_scope :not_rated_by_others, lambda { |user| { :select => 'reviews.*',
              :joins => 'left join ratings on = ratings.rateable_id',
              :conditions => ['ratings.user_id != ? and ratings.rateable_id is null',
                 user] }}

Use it like this:

frank = User.find_by_name('frank')
@not_rated = Review.not_rated
@not_rated_by_others = Review.not_rated_by_others(frank)
John Topley
I like the named_scope idea, but unfortunately the query itself doesn't work as there is no 'rating' column, it is something calculated by the rating plugin. So, in the console Review.find(1).rating works but not in SQL. Similarly Review.find(1).ratings == [] in the console.
Unfortunately I didn't have chance to test it. I'll see if I can take a look tonight.
John Topley
you need to include the rateable_type = @@whatever_model_type in your join statement, cause the ratings table is polymorphic so if you have ratings on other things it will return other classes in your result set
I tried it and it worked.
John Topley
Correction, the problem is actually harder than that because the user varies by model. I don't just want to ignore all ratings by user 'foo', I want to treat as unrated any models where the user doing the rating is the same as the user that created the model.

I've got some of the way using a query like this:

 :joins=>'left outer join ratings on && ratings.rateable_type="Review"',
  :conditions=>'ratings.rating is NULL')

This looks like it returns all Review models with no rating at all.

And I think this one is working to find all Review models that aren't rated by the user who created the review:

  :joins=>'left outer join ratings on && ratings.rateable_type="Review" && ratings.user_id <> reviews.user_id',
  :conditions=>'ratings.rating is NULL')