



I want to implement IPC in a Cocoa application using UNIX domain sockets, with which I have no experience. I found Apple's CFLocalServer example project, but it's written in C and looks, well, fairly complicated (and yes, I have read most of it).

Are the techniques demonstrated in CFLocalServer still state-of-the-art, or is there a way to implement UNIX domain sockets in Objective-C with Cocoa/Foundation?

I'm playing with NSSocketPorts and NSFileHandles (which provide a healthy amount of abstraction, which is great for this project) and found some very-related code in Mike Bean's Networking in Cocoa, but haven't been able to Make It All Work yet.

Anyone done this before?


Why not try POSIX named pipes. Mac OSX is a POSIX-ish operating system based on BSD so it should be straight forward:

Aiden Bell