



I've taken some stuff from Apple's QUartzDemo project and am trying to modify it.

I want to create a screen with a button that will then call the rest of the stuff to make the rectanlges from that demo.

I've created a UIViewController that handles my initial view. It has a start button on it. The start button code is:

- (IBAction)startButtonAct:(id)sender
    QuartzViewController *controller;

    controller = [[QuartzViewController alloc] initWithTitle:@"Name"];
    controller.quartzViewDelegate = [[[RectDrawing alloc] init] autorelease];
    [[self navigationController] pushViewController:controller animated:YES];


It dies when on the line with "controller.quartzViewDelate":

    return quartzView.delegate;

with the error:

-[QuartzView setDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5274a0

I'm guessing that means that the sender id from startButtonAct isn't the right thing for quartzViewDelegate -- it requires something other than the id from a button.

But I'm completely stopped here. I have no idea, after many hours of working, how to make this work. The difference I can find is that QuartzDemo uses a navigationController, not a viewController, but in my reading, it seems that the navigation controller is basically used for tables, which I don't have.

Okay, I'm very new to this stuff, but Objective C and iPhone programming, and ObjC sometimes gives me fits, but I've traced this through and don't have any more ideas.

Help, please?


Found the error. Some code in the wrong place... nothing that could help anyone else.