I've taken some stuff from Apple's QUartzDemo project and am trying to modify it.
I want to create a screen with a button that will then call the rest of the stuff to make the rectanlges from that demo.
I've created a UIViewController that handles my initial view. It has a start button on it. The start button code is:
- (IBAction)startButtonAct:(id)sender
QuartzViewController *controller;
controller = [[QuartzViewController alloc] initWithTitle:@"Name"];
controller.quartzViewDelegate = [[[RectDrawing alloc] init] autorelease];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
It dies when on the line with "controller.quartzViewDelate":
return quartzView.delegate;
with the error:
-[QuartzView setDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5274a0
I'm guessing that means that the sender id from startButtonAct isn't the right thing for quartzViewDelegate -- it requires something other than the id from a button.
But I'm completely stopped here. I have no idea, after many hours of working, how to make this work. The difference I can find is that QuartzDemo uses a navigationController, not a viewController, but in my reading, it seems that the navigation controller is basically used for tables, which I don't have.
Okay, I'm very new to this stuff, but Objective C and iPhone programming, and ObjC sometimes gives me fits, but I've traced this through and don't have any more ideas.
Help, please?