I have never programed in Python before, so excuse my code. I have this script that will run in a terminal but I can't get it to run client side. I am running this in Appcelerator's Titanium application. Anyway, I have been troubleshooting it and it seems that it isn't running the threads at all. Is this a limitation? does anyone know?
<script type="text/python">
import os
import sys
import Queue
import threading
class FindThread ( threading.Thread ):
def run ( self ):
running = True
while running:
if jobPool.empty():
#print '<< CLOSING THREAD'
running = False
job = jobPool.get()
window.document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += os.path.join(top, name)
if job != None:
jobPool = Queue.Queue ( 0 )
def findPython():
#output = window.document.getElementById('output')
window.document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += "Starting"
# Start 10 threads:
for x in xrange ( 10 ):
#print '>> OPENING THREAD'
def dirSearch(top = "."):
import os, stat, types
names = os.listdir(top)
for name in names:
st = os.lstat(os.path.join(top, name))
except os.error:
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
jobPool.put( os.path.join(top, name) )
window.document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += os.path.join(top, name)
window.findPython = findPython