I'm trying to learn myself some C++ from scratch at the moment.
I'm well-versed in python, perl, javascript but have only encountered C++ briefly, in a
classroom setting in the past. Please excuse the naivete of my question.
I would like to split a string using a regular expression but have not had much luck finding a clear, definitive, efficient and complete example of how to do this in C++.
In perl this is action is common, and thus can be accomplished in a trivial manner,
/home/me$ cat test.txt
this is aXstringYwith, some problems
and anotherXY line with similar issues
/home/me$ cat test.txt | perl -e'
> while(<>){
> my @toks = split(/[\sXY,]+/);
> print join(" ",@toks)."\n";
> }'
this is a string with some problems
and another line with similar issues
I'd like to know how best to accomplish the equivalent in C++.
I think I found what I was looking for in the boost library, as mentioned below.
boost regex-token-iterator (why don't underscores work?)
I guess I didn't know what to search for.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc)
string s;
if(argc == 1)
cout << "Enter text to split (or \"quit\" to exit): ";
getline(cin, s);
if(s == "quit") break;
s = "This is a string of tokens";
boost::regex re("\\s+");
boost::sregex_token_iterator i(s.begin(), s.end(), re, -1);
boost::sregex_token_iterator j;
unsigned count = 0;
while(i != j)
cout << *i++ << endl;
cout << "There were " << count << " tokens found." << endl;
}while(argc == 1);
return 0;