Hi, I'm trying to make a comments system for a blog. I have the modified preorder traversal system working (used this guide: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html).
I have a few issues though. I do not think that guide explains how to manage having different blog posts, and adding a comment that is not a reply.
my comments table looks like:
| comment_id | message | lft | rgt |
auto increment
Is this a good way to manage this:
I add column to my comments table called "blog_post_id" and "root". When I make a blog post I then add an entry into the comments table with the blog_post_id, and root set to true. Then, the lft is the comment_id and the right is the comment_id + 1.
To load the comments for a blog post I would find the lft and rgt WHERE the blog_post_id = x and root = true, then select all the comments between the lft and rgt where the blog_post_id is x...
I just came up with this method, so I'm pretty sure there must be a better way.