



If not why not? It seems as though reading, writing, and appending to it would be far more flexible provided multi instance and multi-user issues are accounted for.

+1  A: 

There is no kernel-level "clipboard" - it's a concept belonging to higher layers, such as X11 for example. Of course, nothing stops you from writing a device driver, user-space filesystem, or whatever, to make it visible in those terms!

Alex Martelli
Nothing but the fact that I am a drooling moron. As I understand the kernel itself is pluggable.
Sounds like a good way of getting into kernel device hacking...
@JasperE I agree, A good starter no doubt, but in terms of applications using it, other things I think would be better (such as xclip) in a practical sense
Aiden Bell
+6  A: 


But you can use xclip if you want command-line access to the X11 Clipboard

Do you know how much you rock! Thank you so much. Exactly what will make my life easier.
Now there is a trick xclip -o | sort | xclip -i
+2  A: 


The operating system is not for GUI/Application layer semantics it only provides the raw abstraction to present a consistent, pretty system to user-space applications. If you want to do something like this, I would advise you write a system daemon that applications can use as a copy store and access through system IPC such as DBus.

Standards in the standards may define standards for GUI interoperability and advise they communicate through something like DBus.

Rather than a kernel space system, you may want to manage copy and paste semantics above OS services such as IPC and keep the policy in user-land but through operating system mechanics.

Whilst a device driver presentation kind-of makes sense, IMHO it belongs in user-space as some kind of mini-database with source/target data and meta-data relating to encoding and so on ... none of which are strictly kernel concerns.

Please don't write a copy/paste device driver :)

edit toned down the bolding ..

Aiden Bell
Triumph the comedy dog would have a field day with you. That is a compliment.
I googled the dog, but still don't get it ... but accept the compliment with grace. Good luck should you decide to write a driver. I found the book 'Linux device drivers' and others a good starting point.
Aiden Bell
There is a scene where triumph visits with people on opening day of one of the Star Wars films. He comes across a guy that he talks about being assembled from lesser nerds. You know your stuff in an almost frightening way. :)
That certainly is a compliment :) Thank you!
Aiden Bell

This is why I would like this to be a reality. Submitting screen shots!

I am discussing something, perhaps a design flaw. Capture the screen (or the relevant part of it) and submit it, without having to open an image editor, pasting and saving!
