Do you mean getting the parametere value in a html page? You can use javascript to retrieve the querystring values. Here is an example
Suppose I have a html page with the following link
<a href="param.html?one=8&t=3">HTML Param example</a>
The below code in param.htmle will loop through all the querystring params and display them.
<script language="JavaScript">
var searchStr =;
var section = location.hash.substring(1,location.hash.length);
var searchArray = new Array();
while (searchStr!='') {
var name, value;
// strip off leading ? or &
if ((searchStr.charAt(0)=='?')||(searchStr.charAt(0)=='&')) searchStr = searchStr.substring(1,searchStr.length);
// find name
name = searchStr.substring(0,searchStr.indexOf('='));
// find value
if (searchStr.indexOf('&')!=-1) value = searchStr.substring(searchStr.indexOf('=')+1,searchStr.indexOf('&'));
else value = searchStr.substring(searchStr.indexOf('=')+1,searchStr.length);
// add pair to an associative array
searchArray[name] = value;
// cut first pair from string
if (searchStr.indexOf('&')!=-1) searchStr = searchStr.substring(searchStr.indexOf('&')+1,searchStr.length);
else searchStr = '';
// debug step
//document.write(name + ': ' + value + ': ' + searchStr + '<br>');
// write table of pairs and hash value
document.write('<table align="center">');
document.write('<tr><td><b>name: </b></td><td><b>value:</b></td></tr>');
for (var name in searchArray) {
document.write('<tr><td>' + name + ': </td><td>' + searchArray[name] + '</td></tr>');
if (section!='') document.write('<tr><td>#: </td><td>' + section + '</td></tr>');
Some more example here.