




I am using the Development Provisioning Assistant in the iPhone Developer Portal, but when I get to the part where it asks me to generate and upload my CSR, I try to upload it and it just gives me this error:

The CSR selected is invalid. Please check the file and try again.

Does anyone know what this means or what I can do about it?? Thanks!

+1  A: 

Never mind, I figured it out... in case anyone else has the same problem, I fixed it by downloading the WWDR Intermediate Certificate before generating the CSR, which I forgot to do. slaps forehead


I have the same problem and i have also intalled the Apple WorldWide Developer Certificate in my loging and System keychain but when i upload my CSR it says " The Certificate file selected is invalid. Please check the file and try again."

does anyone else have a clue of what might be the actual solution here?


I had a similar problem. When creating a CSR for enabling push notifications, I first had to deselect the current selected key in Keychain Access before selecting Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. That solved my problem

Make sure you have only "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority" and not something like "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority with key "


No I just have the option "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority..."

I dont know what ... at the end means


If under Keychain Access you only have the option for "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority with key" it will not work. This indicates you have not downloaded the "WWDR intermediate certificate". You can get it from the "Certificates" tab in the iPhone Provisioning Portal. Once its installed (double click it to install), the menu item will change to "Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority" and it should work.


If you are not able to upload the CSR using launching assistant, try going to "Provisioning Portal -> Certificates". Upload your file there and click "submit" button at the bottom. I had my certificate this way.

Rajat Verma

I had the same problem, and what fixed it for me was to repair my login keychain. Go to 'Keychain First Aid' in Keychain Access and you can verify/repair your config.

bryan shanaver
+22  A: 

Also make sure you use Safari for uploading.

I tried Chrome and it always failed. Then I switched to Safari and it worked with the same CSR.

+1 I had the same problem. Also, make sure you use the same email address as you registered with!
Jesse Pepper
+1 I had the same problem as well. FireFox worked for me.
+1 I had the same problem and opening it in safari fixed it
Rajani Karuturi

Thanks for the browser hint (see above - Chrome vs. Safari). I was using an old Safari (3.1.2) on Leopard and it failed. Then I tried Firefox (3.6.10) and it worked.


I had the same issue and the browser fix worked for me. Strange, because I've never had that happen before.
