
.net 3.5, does it need your computer to be restarted for it to work?

Hey gang, I need to know if i need to restart my computer to get .net 3.5 to work with my web applications after i install it. My server machine is using IIS. On my local machine the web app works fine. When i browse to it on the server, i'm seeing errors like the Linq assemblies can't be found ... even though the references are in the ...

AoP on Microsoft Compact Framework 3.5

I've tried with Postsharp, but their current implementation targets 2.0, and it's getting painful to make it work. Should I roll out my own AoP implementation (I'm thinking of a very VERY basic and utilitarian implementation here) Or there is an alternative I'm not aware of? ...

How can I underline a databound value from a DataTemplate?

If I want to display an underlined value in a TextBlock, I have to use a Run element. (If there's a better/easier way, I'd love to hear about it.) <TextBlock> <Run TextDecorations="Underline" Text="MyText" /> </TextBlock> Ideally, to implement this within a DataTemplate, it would look something like this: <DataTemplate x:Key="under...

Cross framework performance hit

I have a .NET 3.5 WinForms project that uses several 3rd party controls and a couple of home-grown components that are compiled for the 1.1 framework. Is there a performance hit for using 1.1 components? ...

Is it possible to get a lazy IEnumerable from an NHibernate query using ICriteria?

I'm working with NHibernate and need to retrieve and process up to 2 million rows. Ideally, I could process each row - one at a time - without NHibernate loading all 2 million in memory at once (because, you know, that hurts). I'd prefer to get an IEnumerable which would call the data reader iteratively for each read so I could proce...

Why does this unit test fail when testing DateTime equality?

Using NUnit 2.2 on .NET 3.5, the following test fails when using DateTime.Equals. Why? [TestFixture] public class AttributeValueModelTest { public class HasDate { public DateTime? DateValue { get { DateTime value; return DateTime.TryParse(ObjectValue.ToStrin...

Connect to Oracle DB from VB 2008 application without installing Oracle software?

Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Log Private mConnectionString As String = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(CID=GTU_APP)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xxx)(SERVER=DEDICATED)));User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;" Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDbDataAdap...

Is linq a cursor?

I'm familiar with .NET and with SQL. Now I'm looking at the new LINQ and it looks to me just like a cursor. I understand the ease of use, etc., but if I do a LINQ-to-SQL query with a foreach loop, am I just using a DB cursor? Or is there some sort of magic behind the scenes where LINQ collects all the data at once and feeds it to my p...

Add SubItems in TreeView

I'm sure this sounds like a n00b question, but how do I add sub items programmically while populating a TreeView list in VB.NET 3.5? I have the following code, but haven't been able to figure out how to add the sub items for each of the folders/files I'm populating the TreeView with: Private Sub AddToList(ByVal targetDirectory As Strin...

Changing async call implementation using a ManualResetEvent to one using a combination of Thread methods

I'm looking for a design pattern to switch from using a ManualResetEvent to using Thread methods like Thread.Join. Right now I'm making an async call and then using a ManualResetEvent to wait till the async call finishes before continuing on the thread that made the call. I'd be glad for any implementation that would produce more stable...

Reference 3.5 assembly from 2.0 application?

I have an assembly that is targeted for .NET 3.5. I have an application targeted for .NET 2.0 and wonder if I should have any trouble referencing the 3.5 assembly from the 2.0 application. I understand that the IL is supposedly the same, so I'm assuming that it will work, but would like to hear some experiences from others who have tri...

Get Id using LINQ to SQL

Hi everyone, How can I get a record id after saving it into database. Which I mean is actually something like that. I have Document class (which is entity tho from DataBase) and I create an instance like Document doc = new Document() {title="Math",name="Important"}; dataContext.Documents.InsertOnSubmit(doc); dataContext.SubmitChanges...

Why not upgrade to the latest .net framework

I see a lot of people has .net 2.0 or even 1.1 as a requirement for their projects. In my own workplace there is also lots of skepticism for upgrading to the latest and greatest .net framework. As a programmer I feel it is very frustration working with the older frameworks when you know that you could have done this so much easier with...

Recommend ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 Hosting Providers

Would like to see a list of affordable ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 Hosting providers build up. Along with your review of the service, lacking features, special features, etc... Discount ASP.NET MochaHost At last update MochaHost does not offer SP1  they now offer SP1 CrystalTech Gearhost HostMySite please add more update: Anybody see a b...

Castle Windsor with .net 3.5 framework

How can I use Windsor in my .net 3.5 solution? Can I use the binaries built for .net 2.0? Do I need to compile the Castle Windsor source myself, targeting 3.5? ...

Using constrained generic extension methods in a separate assembly gives a reference error.

I created a separate assembly to contain common extension methods, the extension methods uses classes from System.Web.dll (and others). When I then create a new project (Console Application) that references the Utilities.dll assembly that contains the extension methods, I do not need to add a reference to System.Web.dll to the new proje...

Operation could destabilize the runtime?

I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding what the problem is here. I have a bit of code that pulls records from a database using LINQ and puts them into an object which is cast into an interface. It looks a bit like this: public IEnumerable<ISomeObject> query() { return from a in dc.SomeTable select new SomeObje...

Question about Copying vs Publishing website

I would appreciate opinions or suggestions. For several years, I have had an html and javascript website that was housed on a shared Apache server hosted by Wild West. Recently I decided to migrate it to .NET 3.5 and put it on a shared Windows IIS7 server also hosted by Wild West. I rewrote all of the pages using Visual Studio 2008,...

.Net 3.5 SP1 official update rollout?

To the best of my knowledge and googling skills, .Net 3.5 SP1 is still not an "official" release. That is the only way to get the SP1 upgrade is by voluntary download and not through mandatory windows updates. Is there any time frame set for when .Net 3.5 SP1 will be pushed to all windows users? ...

How do I get precision and scale from a DataSet in c#?

Hi. I have data sets with schema defined from xml schemas. Scale and Precision are in the XML schemas, but I don't seem to be able to pull them from the columns of the data tables in the data set. I'm writing the data out to ESRI shape files and need the scale and precision to define the types for the columns. I saw a method for gett...