
ReportViewer: Combine Multiple Reports into one report

I have a report that I need to run multiple times, with different data input each time. Each report has a page header that uniquely identifies it, the actual body of data, and then a footer that contains the page count in a [x of y pages] format. Obviously I could run each report separately, but I need the page numbers to be across all...

How costly is adding an element to an ItemControl?

I just have a general .NET inquiry: Suppose I have a large (memory size) Class public class BigClass { ... } If I add an item to an ItemControl such as a ListBox or Datagrid like this BigClass b = new BigClass(); ListBox1.Items.Add(b); How is the resource usage in doing something like this? Is the added item referenced or is a cop...

How would I expand a Datagrid details section from a button click?

I'm trying to implement a datagrid that works like a folder tree (i.e. each row represents a folder and the details view is another datagrid showing files in the folder). I've tried to trim down my code for simplicity, so there could be mistakes, but here is my basic XAML layout: <my:DataGrid Name="dataGrid1" AutoGenerateColumns="False"...

Grid Control

I have been tasked to create a control that has hot spots that will allow drag and drop of images. These locations will change based on what is being dragged onto the control. After dropping the image on the control it will need the ability to move to a new location (either by drag and drop or using the arrow keys). The closest example ...

DataSets based .NET programme: Use Designer tools or do it self?

Hi, After thinking for long, I have decided to build my data app for the Not-for-profit organization I work for (I don't program regularly there, though...) using C#, .NET 3.5 (using ADO.NET DataSets) and Scimore db. I have done base basic tinkering till now and have found this combo to be quite good and fast. Ya, "fast" is a requireme...

sql server log in failed for WPF c# project

i have created a installed sql server 2008 on my win xp box and i am developing my wpf web app on my laptop. when i try to create a connection with code i get a security error, i try connecting with the user/password combo with managment studio on my laptop with no issue. This is the code i have, at con.Open() i get the error message th...

.Net Console Application in System tray

Is there a way I can put a console application in the system tray when minimizing ? I use .Net 3.5 with c# ...

Prerequisite knowledge for ASP.NET MVC

After being frustrated in my attempts to learn the arcana that is ASP.NET, I decided to try ASP.NET MVC. I have extensive experience with C# 2.0 doing just about everything (WinForms, Windows Services, remoting, ...) except ASP.NET . I've been writing PHP for even longer than I've been coding .NET. With all of this experience, I thought...

Call web service from .net 3.5 windows service

I'm building a new windows service with .net 3.5 and unlike 2.0 you cannot just add a web reference to a web service. Can you call a .net 2.0 web service from a .net 3.5 windows service? ...

.Net 3.5 Windows Service hide WCF Service Host

I got a Windows service installed on my development machine (that I made) and I want to interact with it. For a reason I don't know, each time I start the client, a WCF Service Host pop and said that the address is already in use ... which is true ... but how can I do to NOT start that Windows ? Is it because my two projects (server and...

Including dll's in the exe?

I have a project that relies on several dlls and once I compile it, it requires that I run the .exe in the same folder with the dlls. Can I package them together so I don't have to do that? For reference, I'm using C# ...

FormView ConvertEmptyStringToNull and binding

I'm using a FormView with an ObjectDataSource and binding using <%# Bind("WhateverProp") %> - and all of my nullable columns are coming back with default values of the type in them. It appears that the FormView object doesn't have a ConvertEmtpyStringToNull property like the other binding containers do. I've found articles suggesting...

Learn .NET 3.5

What are the best resources for a C#/.NET 2.0 developer for learning .NET 3.5? I'm struggling to learn ASP.NET MVC and I feel that a lot of my stumbling blocks have to do with not ever having explicitly studied 3.5. Note: I know there are already these questions, but they both seem to focus on ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/question...

How to get ODBC connection by name?

Given a User DSN how do I create an ODBC connection to that data source in .Net 3.5? ...

c# code for select all checkbox in wpf datagrid

I need some c# code to select / deselect all checkboxes in a datagrid in WPF 3.5 framework. I would like to do this by clicking a single header checkbox in the grid. Please help. ...

How to show thumbnails of webpages in a WPF user control?

This WPF application/usercontrol needs to show a link of a webpage (say on a button), then on mouseover, show a thumbnail (150X150) of the real-time webpage like a tooltip? Here are some thing that come to mind. In the ToolTip.Content embed a tiny webbrowser control and have it load the link - Personally I don't like this idea of usin...

Stop Linq To Sql from Renaming properties of the DataContext after I rename them

Hi, I got an entity called Proveedor on my Data Context. A property called Proveedors is generated for the Data Context to represent a collection of Proveedor. I rename it to Proveedores which is the correct spelling in spanish. But as soon as i do anything on the model (not related to the Proveedor Entity) and rebuild it renames it bac...

Linq to Entities Binding, Filtering and Editing in WinForms

1) Binding to The following populates a READ ONLY WinFrms grid: Dim query = (From profile _ In db.profile _ Where profile.employee.employeeId = employeeID _ Select profile.description) Me.DataGridView.DataSource = profileQueryList 2) Binding to the entity itself makes the WinForms gri...

Get element from wpf datagrid

Hey guys, I have wpf datagrid, in one of columns, I checkboxes added in it, now the problem is how do I get "IsChecked" propoerties of it ? Note: I have not bind that column to any datacontext, and its a Template Column Thanks ...

With WPF, how to collapse a TextBlock depending on the content of its child TextBlock?

Hello, I have to display a big list of properties/values. My issue is that there aren't values for all these properties, so I would like NOT to display these in that case. It will be easier to understand my problem with some code: <StackPanel DataContext=...> <TextBlock>Info1:<TextBlock Text={Binding Path=Info1} /></TextBlock> <TextBl...