
ASP.NET 3.5 :No Postback triggered for button click

I have an ASP.NET page developed in VS 2008. there is a text box and login button.Required fireld validator and Validtion Group controls are associate for validation.I wrote code for the Button click evenet handler too.But the Button click is not getting fired.There is no post back happening. Can any one tell me why ? HTM lmarkup <asp...

What is the Efficiency and Performance of LINQ and Lambda Expression in .Net?

I have used .Net 3.5 and VS 2008 for more than a month. Like most .Net developers, I have evolved from years experience in .Net 1.0 & 2.0 and VS 2005. Just recently, I discovered the simplicity and power of LINQ and Lamda Expressions, as in my recent questions such as Find an item in list by LINQ, Convert or map a class instance to a lis...

Which versions of the Microsoft.NET framework work with Windows Powerhsell?

I am working on providers and cmdlets for Powershell 1 & 2. Which version(s) of the framework should I target for my extensions? I assume Microsoft.NET 2 will work fine. What about 3.0 and 3.5? Microsoft.NET 4.0? ...

How to get distinct instance from a list by Lamba or LINQ

I have a class like this: class MyClass<T> { public string value1 { get; set; } public T objT { get; set; } } and a list of this class. I would like to use .net 3.5 lambda or linq to get a list of MyClass by distinct value1. I guess this is possible and much simpler than the way in .net 2.0 to cache a list like this: List<MyC...

User Web Chat, determine who is online, and targeting specific sessions?

First, I am using .net 3.5. I want to create an online chat system for my users. I have found some decent (open source) chat systems that I can use, but there are a couple features I want to add. I want the chat user to be able to see how many people are on their site and allow the chat user to select a user and begin to talk with them. ...

How to send object through NamedPipe in .NET 3.5?

Hi, Can you tell me what's the best way to send objects through NamedPipes in .net 3.5? Thanks in advance ...

I'm Trying to Create an Image Object with a Byte Array as Its Source. What Am I Doing Wrong?

I'm trying to create an image object with a byte array as its source. What am I doing wrong? An exception is thrown when I try to initialize the image object with an array of bytes as source data. The exception is shown in my code, below. public class MyClass { publuc System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage InstanceImage { get...

Reading the list of References from csproj files

Does anyone know of a way to programmatically read the list of References in a VS2008 csproj file? MSBuild does not appear to support this functionality. I'm trying to read the nodes by loading the csproj file into an XmlDocument but, the XPath search does not return any nodes. I'm using the following code: System.Xml.XmlDocument pro...

Recursion with XML Literals in VB.NET is possible?

I have a class called Profile that has some simple properties and then it can have a collection of ProfileItem that again has some simple properties and then it can have a collection of ProfileItem (RECURSION). Now I am trying to generated a very simple save function using XML Literals that come with VB.NET (3.5). The code I am using i...

ASP.Net MVC - best way to identify returning user

Hi, I am developing an e-commerce app using asp.net mvc. After user successfully logged into system the application is pulling additional data from database (favorites, order history, unfinished cart etc.) What is the best way to pull that data in case if user used Remember me option? I am thinking to check if user is authenticated ...

What does "=>" mean?

Forgive me if this screams newbie but what does "=>" mean in c#? I was at a presentation last week and this operator (I think) was used in the context of ORM. I wasn't really paying attention to the specifics of syntax until I went back to my notes. I'm a vb.net guy trying to do more in C#. I already tried Google and some of my referenc...

Accessing values in nested object[] inside of IList from Nhibernate ISQLQuery.List()?

I have an NHibernate ISQLQuery.List() ISQLQuery sqlQuery = session.CreateSQLQuery(query); IList tags = sqlQuery.List(); where the results in "tags" are an object[] containing 2 child objects. [0] {object[2]} object {object[]} [0] 1 object {int} [1] "irregular" object {string} [1] {object[2]} object {object[]} [0] 2 object...

Is it possible to reference Silverlight 3 class library by .Net 3.5-based project in VS.net 2008?

First, I know Silverlight project can't reference to non-Silverlight based project like Windows class library or Asp.net MVC project. But I need to create my projects which can support both Silverlight-based project & Asp.net MVC project. So, I created Silverlight-based project for my sharing source code. It works fine on VS.net 2008 &...

Best way to display image in WPF

Currently I'm working on a Ultrasound scanning project, which displays the continues images aquired from a probe, to do that I'm writing following code. XAML: <Image Name="imgScan" DataContext="{Binding}" Source="{Binding Path=prescanImage,Converter={StaticResource imgConverter}}" /> C# Assignment: Bitmap myImage = GetMeImage(); ima...

"Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS" in .NET CF application on smart phone

I have a stubborn communications issue with an application running on the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 on Windows Mobile smartphones. I am constructing a web request using this code: UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); byte[] Data = encoding.GetBytes(HttpUtility.ConstructQueryString(parameters)); httpRequest = WebRequ...

.NET DLL that references older .NET assemblies

I am referencing some .NET DLLs in my .NET 3.5 project. Those DLLs have references to .NET 2.0 assemblies (like System.Data, etc.). I can not recompile those DLLs. I would like to install only .NET 3.5 and not have to install .NET 2.0. Will those DLLs work just fine? If not, is there anything I can do to have them use the 3.5 assemb...

How can I support SSL without encryption in a .Net server?

We have a client/server based architecture where many clients (written in Java) connect to the server (using a custom protocol), and all comms use SSL. The server used to be written in Delphi and used OpenSSL for SSL support. We did a complete rewrite of the server in .Net 3.5 SP1 and have the SSL working fine using SslStream over a TcpC...

How to cast object to type described by Type class?

I have a object: ExampleClass ex = new ExampleClass(); And: Type TargetType I would like to cast ex to type described by TargetType like this: Object o = (TargetType) ex; But when I do this I get: The type or namespace name 't' could not be found So how to do this? Am I missing something obious here? Update: I would l...

What is needed to upgrade client for Crystal Reports from VS 2005 to VS 2008

I am upgrading an application that was originally written in VS 2005 (.NET 3.0) and now I am upgrading that application to VS 2008 (.NET 3.5). I have Crystal .rpt files that I have created in VS 2005. The application is a Windows Forms app. What is needed to run the applications on the client for Crystal? Is there a installation I nee...

Listening to a port securely using .NET 3.5

I want to listen to a port on a server, and securely process the files. Are there any standard ways to listen in .NET 3.5 or any recommendations. The data is coming from a 3rd party tools and we can route the outbound to any port. Any Ideas and recommendations. Can WCF be used?. ...