
Custom DataGridView column sort based on Value not Formatted value

I have a custom DGV cell I'm using to display the contents of MyType objects. To control how they're being formatted I'm overriding the GetFormattedValue() and FormattedvalueType methods of DataGridViewTextBoxCell because in this case I don't want to use the default ToString() method. The problem is that when I do this the DGV is sorti...

asp.net calendar control firing validation controls

I have a set of validation controls on my asp.net page, to validate values in textfields. I also have a calendar control on the same page. When I click on the calendar image, the validation control message box pops up. How can I avoid that from appearing when the calendar icon is clicked? ...

.NET Network Library

I've been looking for a decent network library for C#. It is going to be used with XNA 3.1, and .NET Framework 3.5. The multi-player style is going to be Server and Client. Currently I have been looking into Lidgren Library Network, but it seems outdated. Anyone got some good suggestions for a good network library. It should be able to ...

VS2010 MSTest CruiseControl.NET .NET 3.5

Hi, We're in the process of upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010 since it's now released. We are using CC.NET along with MSTest and want to use MS coverage tool instead of NCover. Interestingly, as I've seen others talking about as well, when you upgrade your project from VS2008 to VS2010 your Test Projects get converted to .NET 4. Nice move...

How can i use Profilebase class?

i try to use asp.net profile, i try to give inheritance with ProfileBase public class dort_islem : ProfileBase { public int ilk_sayi { get; set; } public int ikinci_sayi { get; set; } } <anonymousIdentification enabled="true"/> <profile enabled="true" inherits="dort_islem"> <providers> <clear/> <add name="AspN...

Parsing plain Win32 PE File (Exe/DLL) in .NET

I need to parse plain Win32 DLL/Exe and need to get all imports and exports from it and to show it on console or GUI(say Win Forms). Is it possible to parse Win32 DLL/Exe in C#.NET, read its export table,import table and get managed types from it. As its unmanaged PE(.NET doesn't allows you to convert unmanaged PE files to managed .NET a...

which collection should I use

Hello, I have a number of custom objects of type X. X has a number of parameters and must be unique in the collection. (I created my own equals method based on the custom parameters to examine this) In each object of type x, I have a list of objects y. I want to add/remove/modify easily an object y. For example: To write the add meth...

Why can't I insert record with foreign key in a single server request?

I'm tryring to do a simple insert with foreign key, but it seems that I need to use db.SaveChanges() for every record insert. How can I manage to use only one db.SaveChanges() at the end of this program? public static void Test() { using (var entities = new DBEntities()) { var sale = new SalesFeed ...

Facing Memory Leaks in AES Encryption Method.

Can anyone please identify is there any possible memory leaks in following code. I have tried with .Net Memory Profiler and it says "CreateEncryptor" and some other functions are leaving unmanaged memory leaks as I have confirmed this using Performance Monitors. but there are already dispose, clear, close calls are placed wherever possi...

Expectations when disabling a WCF Behaviour Extension

Straw poll 'cause we can't decide internally: If I'm implementing a BehaviorExtensionElement which is possible to disable through configuration is it reasonable/possible for CreateBehavior() to return null or should it always return a zombie behaviour object in some kind of disabled state instead? (Don't ask why we have disable instea...

asp.net calendar control appears below textfield

I ma using an image button to display an asp.net calendar control (this control comes with VS 2008). However, when I click the image button, the calendar controls is displayed "below" the textfield that it is suppoed to populate. How can I get the control to appear on the right side of the textfield? My code is: ...

What are the major differences between NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4.0?

Possible Duplicates: Things in .NET Framework 4 that every programmer should know Basic difference between .net 3.5 and 4.0 Hi Guys Is there any real great (really good) difference between NET Framework 3.5 and NET Framework 4.0? Perhaps something regarding performance? thank you ...

Consuming a HTTPS Web Service in .Net 3.5 Web Project

I'm trying to consume a webservice that ONLY runs on HTTPS but using the "add service" method in VS or using the WSDL to generate a code file leaves me with a web service that states its http... <wsdl:service name="OGServ"> <wsdl:documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"&gt;XML Web Services element of OGServ Gat...

MDI Forms in .NET 3.5

Is there any improvemens or new features in .NET 3.5 Windos Forms in creating MDI Forms as compared to .NET 2.0? ...

When calling a static method on parent class, can the parent class deduce the type on the child (C#)?

Suppose we have 2 classes, Child, and the class from which it inherits, Parent. class Parent { public static void MyFunction(){} } class Child : Parent { } Is it possible to determine in the parent class how the method was called? Because we can call it two ways: Parent.MyFunction(); Child.MyFunction(); My current approach wa...

Current ways to do data binding in .NET 3.5 with C# 3.0 and WinForms

Hello Everyone, I have an existing C# 3.0 WinForms project with .NET 3.5 that talks to a MySQL database. I would like to use data binding (I'm new to this, so I've been doing all of the UI updates manually) to simplify things. I followed a link from this question to this article which mentions using a DataSet but also follows up with ...

Accessing Application.Resources from a DLL

I defined a resource in App.xaml in Application.Resources in a WPF application (exe). I have a dll which will be referenced by the exe. In this dll, I have a Window that needs to use the resource defined in Application.Resources. How can I do this? ...

Runtime HttpException affecting only one page/usercontrol

We're having an issue with a .NET 3.5 WebForms site where occasionally our error logs start filling up with the following error message: "Multiple controls with the same ID 'ctl09' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs." I know very little about the exception as I have never seen it while debugging locally and ...

WPF Get UI Thread, or how to show a window from NON-UI Thread

Hi everyone, i have a serious problem with my WPF Application. I realized a WPF Control Library to use as an Addin in MS Office 2007. The WPF-Class is instantiated by the host and creates a toolbar with some buttons in MS Office. By clicking a button the wpf window shoud appear. The problem is that i alway recieve the following error: ...

Directions and Opinions on Creating Update System for the Application.

Hi people. I just try to figure out a good solution on designing the update process for a windows form application i created. I think of a button inside the app for manual checking of an update and checking when starting the app. Only I'm not familiar with technics. I though to have the update setup file in a FTP Server and checking the...