
System.Web.Routing in .net 3.5 (Not MVC)

Hi, I've used routing with asp.net 4.0 but one of my hosting companies haven't updated .net framework yet and I want to use routing with asp.net 3.5. Is it possible to use System.Web.Routing in asp.net 3.5? ...

Handle an event with LinkButton

Hi, I have a LinkButton click event in asp.net 3.5 that I must assess whether a value exists and return a alert. I have no idea how you can do. I think we need to Ajax Can someone help me Thanks ...

Web service URL being overwritten with localhost

I have a reference to a web service on a remote server like such... The moment I invoke the web service and view its URL property it looks like... http://localhost/PersonifyWebServicePPROD/UniversalWebService/default.asmx Can anyone tell me why it's overwri...

Check if value of textbox extended with MaskedEditExtender is valid?

Below is my code: <asp:TextBox ID="FromDateTextBox" runat="server" /> <asp:ImageButton ID="FromDateImageButton" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/calander.png" /> <ajaxkit:CalendarExtender ID="FromDate" runat="server" TargetControlID="FromDateTextBox" CssClass="CalanderControl" PopupButtonID="FromDateImageB...

asp.net formatting an email

I am working on an application that involves the user clicking on a hyperlink to popup an outlook email template. I have the SendTo values, and the subject values. How do I enter text into the body of the email? ...

How do I secure ASP.NET web service to only allow relative path calling?

I have ASMX services for my web application that I would only like available to the same application. Is there a way for the web service to only be accessible by the same application, such as relative/absolute path restrictions? ...

Winforms - How to alternate the color of rows in a ListView control?

Using C# Winforms (3.5). Is it possible to set the row colors to automatically alternate in a listview? Or do I need to manually set the row color each time a new row is added to the listview? Based on a MSDN article the manual method would look like this: //alternate row color if (i % 2 == 0) { lvi.BackColor = Color.LightBlue; }...

Translating EventAggregators usage of SynchronizationContext to VB.Net

Working with a fairly large VB.Net back office winforms application. 1 million+ LOC. Big ball of mud, 90% of all code is in Forms & other UI controls. Slowly introducing better architecture as time & recources allows, We've been using ideas from the EventAggrgator by Jeremy Miller. http://codebetter.com/blogs/jeremy.miller/archive/2...

Reattaching an object graph to an EntityContext: "cannot track multiple objects with the same key"

Can EF really be this bad? Maybe... Let's say I have a fully loaded, disconnected object graph that looks like this: myReport = {Report} {ReportEdit {User: "JohnDoe"}} {ReportEdit {User: "JohnDoe"}} Basically a report with 2 edits that were done by the same user. And then I do this: EntityContext.Attach(myReport); InvalidOpera...

Best way to update UI from other classes?

I've got several nested classes, with the following structure: BackupLocation contains list of BackupClients BackupClients contains a list of BackupVersions BackupVersions contains a list of BackupFiles In my UI - Im populating a combo box with BackupLocations - and have several listboxes for the clients, versions, and files. When ...

.NET - Are there any flip clock controls?

For a .NET (Winforms) application are there any flip clock controls? Ideally it would look something like the one found on the BlackBerry Bold: UPDATE 1: Following this SO link I have added an element host to my project to host the WPF retroclock that @Shane mentioned. UPDATE 2: A few steps that I followed: Compile RetroClock Ad...

How to convert many-to-one XML data to DataSet?

I have an XML document that has a collection of objects. Each object has a key/value pair of label and value. I am trying to convert this into a DataSet, but when I do ds.ReadXml(xmlFile), then it creates two columns: label and value. What I would like is to have a column for each "label" and the value to be part of the row. here is my ...

Full text index requires dropping and recreating - why?

Hi all, So I've got a web app running on .net 3.5 connected to a SQL 2005 box. We do scheduled releases every 2 weeks. About 14 tables out of 250 are full text indexed. After not every release, but a few too many, the indexes crap out. They seem to have data in there, but when we try to search them from the front end or SQL enterpris...

About Web.config

Do you have tutorial document for Web.config ? For 2008 version ! ...

Visual Studio 2008 using the wrong framework version

Using Visual Studio 2008, and I'm trying to use some of the .net Framework 3.5 utilities - specifically Extension Methods. However when I try and get to things in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, the required .Extension namespace is unavailable. If I go to "add reference" and look for System.Core - the required library fo...

msbuild can't find .NET 'setup.bin' file

I'm getting the following warning and error from msbuild: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\Microsoft.Common.targets : warning MSB3155: Item 'Microsoft.Net.Framework.2.0' could not be located in 'C:\src\Oakhurst\trunk\code\VisionCentral'. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\Microsoft.Common.targets(3604,9): error MSB3...

How can I save data from a Windows Form to an XML file?

I pretty sure I have to create some sort of mold of what the XML file has to look like first, right? Any help will be appreciated. ...

Can one instance of a WCF service pass work on to another instance where this 2nd instance would reply directly to the requester?

Let's say I have 2 instances of the same web services. Is there a way that I can have the second instance of the web service perform a task at the behest of the first instance of the WCF service and reply directly to the original requester? I could code this and include logic in WCF-A to contact WCF-B under the right conditions and then...

Using .net 3.5 assemblies in asp.net 2.0 web application

I have an .net assembly build against 3.5 framework. This assembly has a class Foo with two method overrides: public class Foo { public T Set<T>(T value); public T Set<T>(Func<T> getValueFunc); } I'm referencing this assembly in my asp.net 2.0 web application to use first override of the Set method (without Func). But on buil...

How do you build a Windows Workflow Project with NAnt 0.90?

I'm trying to build a Windows Workflow (WF) project using NAnt, but it doesn;t seem to be able to build the ".xoml" and ".rules" files. Here is the code of the csc task that I'm using: <csc debug="${build.Debug}" warninglevel="${build.WarningLevel}" target="library" output="${path::combine(build.OutputDir,assembly.Name+'.dll')}" verbos...