
Reading 64bit Registry from a 32bit application

I have a c# unit test project that is compiled for AnyCPU. Our build server is a 64bit machine, and has a 64bit SQL Express instance installed. The test project uses code similar to the following to identify the path to the .MDF files: private string GetExpressPath() { RegistryKey sqlServerKey = Registry.LocalMachine.Op...

Reflect over a x86 assembly from a "Any CPU" built application on x64 bit OS

Hey everyone, I have a .Net app that's compiled as "Any CPU". I am running it on a x64 OS so it's running as 64bit. The application loads other assemblies that the user provides. It uses reflection of course to read types from the user provided assembly. Everything works fine if the user assembly is compiled as "Any CPU". But if the ass...

Is there a way to force an "Any CPU" compiled app to run in 32bit mode on 64bit OS?

If I have a "Any CPU" compiled .NET app, it will run in 64bit mode on a 64bit OS. But if I, for whatever reason, wants to force this app to run in 32bit mode. (As if it were compiled using "x86"). Recompiling is not an option, so is this possible to config at run time ? With the .manifest file perhaps? ...

compling assemblies on a 64bit plaform for a 32bit

What option should I select for compliing assemblies on a 64bit plaform for a 32bit platform server. As currently I am trying to publish to a 32bit server. I am using VS2005 on a windows Vista machine to build my project and then publish on server but I am getting errors. Any idea how can I solve this problem. Should I use AnyCPU option...

check if unmanaged dll is 32-bit or 64-bit?

How can I programmatically tell in C# if an unmanaged dll is x86 or x64? ...

Is it possible to redistribute .NET Framework 3.5 32-bit only?

The offline installer for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is 200 MB large. We're wondering whether it's possible (both technically and legally) to split it up by target architecture - so as to produce a separate installer for the 32-bit version. The idea is that it might be significantly smaller. I am aware of the bootstrapper, which will only d...

Can I still develop 32-bit applications using a 64-bit machine?

Hi, I'm wondering if I can still develop 32-bit apps using a 64-bit machine (64-bit Windows Vista with Visual Studio 2008 SP1)? Because I am planning to buy a laptop with 64-bit Vista. Im asking just to make sure. Thanks! ...

How to cross-compile 64bit DLL with VS 2005 on 32bit computer?

Using Visual Studio 2005, I wrote a simple DLL in C that uses the Windows API to send UDP datagrams and that is hooked into a third-party program. On a 64 bit machine, it does not work at all, as the third-party code was compiled for 64 bit in this case. So I need to ship two versions of the same DLL - one for 32 bit, one for 64 bit. Ho...

Would one have to know the machine architecture to write code?

Let's say I'm programming in Java or Python or C++ for a simple problem, could be to build an TCP/UDP echo server or computation of factorial. Do I've to bother about the architecture details, i.e., if it is 32 or 64-bit? IMHO, unless I'm programming something to do with fairly low-level stuff then I don't have to bother if its 32 or 64...

Help me understand this "Programming pearls" bitsort program

Jon Bentley in Column 1 of his book programming pearls introduces a technique for sorting a sequence of non-zero positive integers using bit vectors. I have taken the program bitsort.c from here and pasted it below: /* Copyright (C) 1999 Lucent Technologies */ /* From 'Programming Pearls' by Jon Bentley */ /* bitsort.c -- bitmap sort...

Memory alignment on a 32-bit Intel processor

Intel's 32-bit processors such as Pentium have 64-bit wide data bus and therefore fetch 8 bytes per access. Based on this, I'm assuming that the physical addresses that these processors emit on the address bus are always multiples of 8. Firstly, is this conclusion correct? Secondly, if it is correct, then one should align data structu...

Does a 32bit process need more memory when it runs on a 64bit system?

I have a rather memory hungry java application. On my 32 bit systems with Windows XP Professional the application will just run fine if I give it -Xmx1280m. Everything below will end up in an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exception. If I run the same application on a 64 bit Windows XP Professional (everything else exactly ...

.net console app 32 vs 64 bit

Does a application in .NET need to be built in 64 bit to take full advantage of a machine with a 64 bit OS on it, or will it take advantage of it just as a 32 bit build. Basically, we have an issue with an out of memory exception and it was suggested to run the console app on a 64 bit box which "may" solve the issue. The question is can ...

How do I force MSBuild to compile for 32 bit mode?

I'm using MSBuild (via NAnt) to compile a bunch of VB.Net assemblies. Because these assemblies depend on COM Interop, I need to guarantee that they run in 32 bit mode on 64 bit OS's. I can get the executable assemblies to compile to 32 bit by changing the project in Visual Studio, but I'd really like to be able to force all of the exec...

What's the correct way to use win32inet.WinHttpGetProxyForUrl

I'm trying to use a feature of the Microsoft WinHttp library that has been exposed by the developers of Win32com. Unfortunately most of the library does not seem to be documented and there are no example of the correct way to use the win32inet features via the win32com library. This is what I have so far: import win32inet hinternet = w...

64 bits assembly's instructions of 32 bits ones

I am beginning to port a program which is written in C and have several pieces of code written in assembly with instructions for a 32 bit machine - like ljmp - to a 64 bits machine. Is there a place/document that have the instructions, in assembly, for a 32 bit machine and its counterpart for a 64 one? If not, where can I find a documen...

What are the differences between .NET in 32 or 64 bit systems?

Imagine a pure .NET application which do not uses COM components nor PInvoke. Does it matters if the target system is 32 or 64 bits? ...

What are the pros/cons of 64 bit .NET?

As mentioned in this question/comments there are certain disadvantages when moving from 32 bit .NET to 64 bit .NET. Probably the biggest advantage is the much bigger process address space in the 64 bit world, but what other pros and cons are worth noting? ...

32-bit crypt component running on 64-bit server with 32-bit IIS app!

I've got a Classic ASP application running on 64-bit Windows Server 2003 in 32-bit emulation on IIS. I'm bringing a COM component over from a 32-bit server and wondered how I would install that to be accessible from the Classic ASP app. I can choose between a 64-bit and a 32-bit version of the component. Do I: install the 32-bit ...

32bit 64bit referenced library

Hi, I am developing an application that has two DLLs one is a 32bit version another is 64bit version, Client is 32bit Server is 64bit My question is is there a way I can say use the 32bit dll when doing Debug/Release and use 64bit dll when I perform a publish. I realize I can solve this problem using NAnt or MSBuild but was wonderin...