
what type of programming is used for 3g mobiles

which type of programming is used for 3g mobiles ...

My App works over WiFi. But not over 3G in android? Any Guesses?

Hi Folks, I have developed an App that target version is 4 (Android 1.6) upto 7 (Android 2.1). I tested this app on the dev phone 2 (Google-Io-Device 1.6 version). I am doing some xml parsing stuff through Internet. i set the <uses-permission> on my Manifest. it works fine in WI-FI Network. But its not working in the Motorola Droid 2.1 ...

Dealing with different IPs assigned to device via Edge and 3G when connecting to a Microsoft Load Balacing environment

Hi, I'm working on mobile web application targeted toward Webkit-based browsers on devices such as iPhone, Android, etc. I've noticed that when and iPhone switches from Edge to 3g or vice-versa a new IP address is assigned to the device, which makes sense. The problem is that I'm connecting to a web application sitting on two Windows S...

Determining Network Quality on the iPhone

I have looked at several variations on the Reachability example such as the Donoho change and erica saduns UIApplication extension, but none of these allow you to determine the quality of your 3g connection. Is there a programatic way to see signal strength and link quality? ...

recorder works on iPhone 3GS but not on iPhone 3G

Hi everybody, I have a AVAudioRecorder, which gets initialized like: _recorder = [AVAudioRecorder alloc]; NSMutableDictionary *recordSettings = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2] autorelease]; [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC] forKey: AVFormatIDKey]; [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumb...

What will happen to existing connections when switch between 3g/wifi

Hey, Assume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only new connections will use wifi? In addition, what if I walk away from home, wifi ...

Send data through 3G hardware device onto ftp site?

(Note: I am NOT talking about an iphone/phone.) I'm planning to get developed an independent hardware device which will be located in locations with just a power connection and 3G connectivity. These devices will monitor certain environment variables and SHOULD upload the data file generated (its a file) onto an ftp site. The device it...

Android: How can we know the current connection type (ex. Wifi, 3G, 2G...) programmatically?

I see this thread but it could not help me much. ...

Detect if the computer is using a mobile connection (3G/EDGE/GPRS) on Windows

I need to determine if the computer is connected to the Internet using a mobile connection (e.g. 3G, EDGE, GPRS). I found this identical question, but the accepted answer isn't very helpful to me... The System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface class exposes a few properties, but nothing that can help me determine if it is a mobile ...

Recording video on an iPhone 3G

I am writing an application that records video on an iPhone using the UIImagePickerController class. The application works fine with the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS but I am getting an error on the iPhone 3G. Are there limitations on the iPhone 3G that prevent me from recording video? I am getting the following error: 2010-09-14 16:27:15...

I'm using a mobile broadband usb stick and it's inserting a script into my pages. How can I stop it?

I've recently started using a 3G mobile broadband usb stick. It's from T-Mobile, a UK mobile commmunications company. All seemed well, until I tried to test a site which I've been developing locally on by uploading it to my live server. When I look at the code of my live site, I can see that 2 things strange are happening: -1. A script...

simulate 3G n/w using wifi

I am working on a Android application which can only run on a 3G network but We currently do not have a 3G network available in the country. Is there any way to hack/modify some parts of Android's connectivity Manager or other framework components to simulate the behavior that we are using 3G n/w but underlying the requests are being pro...

2 modems & 2 GPRS connections simultaneously on Android?

Hi. I will develop on an Android device with 2 USB 3G modems plugged in. I require 2 GPRS connections to be available and used at the same time. How can I manage this? What is the best start for implementation? Thanks. ...