
How to insert xml parsed contents into sqlite3 database.

I am new to iphone development.I want insert my xml parsed contents into a sqlite3 database and retrieve it and display it in a tableView.I am able to parse and directly display the contents using nsxml parser.Please help me how to proceed to store the contents in a database and retrieve it .Thanks. ...

parse XML file that contains unicode characters in iphone

Hi, I am trying to parse one XML file that contains some unicode characters.I tried to parse the file using NSXMLParser but i am unable to parse XML.Parser stops when it encounters any unicode characters. Is there any other good solution to parse XML file with unicode letters? Please suggest. Thanks, Jim. ...

nsdata to nsstring to nsdata

Hello everybody. I am calling the webservices. The web service returns data in xml format. Now the problem is the xml data is not being received in proper format. In place of "<", ">" it returns in html form . So i assigned the xmldata to a NsMutableString and replaced the escape characters so that the format of xml data is proper. Then ...

My App works over WiFi. But not over 3G in android? Any Guesses?

Hi Folks, I have developed an App that target version is 4 (Android 1.6) upto 7 (Android 2.1). I tested this app on the dev phone 2 (Google-Io-Device 1.6 version). I am doing some xml parsing stuff through Internet. i set the <uses-permission> on my Manifest. it works fine in WI-FI Network. But its not working in the Motorola Droid 2.1 ...

xml parsing in Android

why we need xml parsing in android,we can parsing all kind of web page? then in parsing why did we use rss extension in web page ...

How to parse such kind of Data using NSXML Parsing?

hi!How should i parse data which contains CDATA in the Attribute? ...

Android Dynamic Array

Hello all, I am parsing an xml file through Android Pull Parser technique. first, have a look at the below xml file: <childs> <students> <name> hello </name> <address> xyz </address> </stdents> <students> <name> abc </name> <address> def </address> </stdents> </childs> Co...

Storing Equal Signs (=) in XML Documents

I'm facing a problem that Google couldn't solve yet! I'm trying to store URLs in an XML file. Problem is that these URLs contain Equal Signs (=) in them. And that generates an error. Here is my code: (**token is a variable that contains the URL) Dim child As String = vbCrLf & "<Link URL='" & token & "'></Link>" Dim fragment As XmlDocu...

XML Parsing in Android Programming

Hello Team, I am new to Android Programming, I had also asked this question before but didn't got quite satisfactory answers. I need to implement parsing in my particular application. Can any body demistify the Parsing regarding the simple parsing of an XML String with an appropriate example. Hoping I could get something vital this ti...

Parsing of this string

Hello All! I am working on the Parsing of the response from a web Service: "http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Ahmedabad" Now I am going parallel with an parsing example available on the Internet, This is my Response : <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <xml_api_reply version="1"> - <current_conditions> <condition data="Haze" /> <temp_...

How to parse complex XML tree using TouchXml in iPhone.

Hi all, I am trying to build an app which during start-up connects to website and downloads the XML data. Though the data is large(100 KB) and i am using TouchXml for it. The xml is like this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <itemA attA="AAA" attB="BBB" attC="CCC"> <itemB> <itemC1 attD="DDD" attE="EEE" attF="FFF...

How can we parse an XML with ISO-8859-15 encoding?

I was using UTF-8 encoded xml for parsing using NSXMLParser. But some of the special characters were causing problems and so decided to use ISO-8859-15 encoding. But after that the parser doesnt even start parsing and is giving the error 31 - NSXMLParserUnknownEncodingError. What should I do now? Is it possible by anyway we can parse a...

How to get the list of all the Elements and there child elements by parsing a XSD in java?

Hi , I want to fetch a list of all the elements of a xsd or xml file.Is there any way to do that in java. for Eg: this is my XSD. ...

Access Web Services on BlackBerry

What are the ways of accessing web services on a BlackBerry device? I've learned about XML for webservices. We use SAX and DOM parsers in Blackberry. Are there any more ideas like this? I also want to know what KSOAP is and how to use it on BlackBerry. ...