
iPhone Development - XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML

I cannot find comparison of these parsing technique. Which one is most commonly used? Regards. Mustafa ...

Getting the value of an Element in Cocoa using TouchXML

I am using TouchXml because of the given limitations of NSXML on the actual iPhone. Anyway, I'm just starting out with Objective-C, I come from a C# background, and felt like learning something new..anyhow.. here is my xml file... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FundInfo xmlns:xsi="" xmln...

TouchXML unable to parse YQL result XML on a iPhone

Problem 1: Has anyone worked with TouchXML, I am facing problem parcing rssfeed that has characters like & or even & The parser takes the url as input and doesn’t seem to parse the XML content. NSXMLParser has no such problem for the same feed URL. Problem 2: Another problem with NSXMLParse is when the foundCharacter() method finds “\n” ...

Try to recover from an error with TouchXML

I'm trying to make an XPath query with TouchXML, but if the query fail, the programm crash immmediately. Is there any way to prevent this and continue the execution of the programme. I know that TouchXML is based on libxml2 and that lib have an option called XML_PARSE_RECOVER but i don't know how to use it with TouchXML. Source code ...

TouchXML parsing XML attributes

How do I use touchXML to parse this XML? I want to store all the attributes as key/value pairs in a dictionary. <Player PlayerName="Padraig HARRINGTON" CurrentPosition="1" CurrentRank="1" Country="IRL" NumberOfHolesPlayed="18" ParRelativeScore="+3"> <RoundScore RoundNumber="1" Score="74" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="2" Score="68"...

Strange iPhone memory leak in xml parser

Update: I edited the code, but the problem persists... Hi everyone, this is my first post here - I found this place a great ressource for solving many of my questions. Normally I try my best to fix anything on my own but this time I really have no idea what goes wrong, so I hope someone can help me out. I am building an iPhone app tha...

Where can I find documentation for TouchXML?

I would really like to see some (complete) reference documentation for all TouchXML classes, methods, etc. Where can I find it? Thanks! ...

iPhone - does TouchXML use an undocumented APIs?

Recently I've heard that Apple is using tools to search for references to undocumented APIs and are rejecting iPhone apps from the App Store because of it. The popular Three20 framework is causing people to get rejected. I also just saw that the KissXML library has also caused rejection. I'm looking for an Objective C DOM-based XML p...

Parsing multiple and multi-level nested elements with TouchXML

Hi, I have an XML with the following structure and I am trying to create my model object from this. Can someone please help me find a way to get these objects from the XML using TouchXML, NSMutableArray and NSMutableDictionay. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <response> <level1_items> <level1_item> <item_1>text</item_...

Example of ASIHTTPRequest with TouchXML .

Hello all, I am currently using NSXMLParser mathods to parse my data something like this : But I found some good option as TouchXML . I googled for some good example or tutorial But I can't understand the XPathquery format and the parsing loops as done in this example or this question I just want to know how to parse a simple ...

TouchXML - CXMLDocument object failed to initialize

Hi all, I am stuck with some TouchXML code. Please help. I have the following code to get the data from an xml webservice: NSData *urlData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error]; NSString *data = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:urlData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(@"Strin...

Strange error with initWithContentsOfURL

I'm currently working on reading some XML from an external API. The following code works fine: NSError *error = nil; NSString *xmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; However, I wanted to add some error handling ("The server cannot be reached", "No Internet connection" etc...

Extract HTML from CDATA node in iPhone

<item> <data> <![CDATA[ <p>Test</p> <p><strong>Hi!</strong><br />Hello.</p> ]]> </data> </item> Using TouchXML/NSXMLParser How can i extract only the HTML part into a string/appropriate data format so that I can display it in a UIWebView? It's definitely possible:;can=...

Cannot read XML File

Hi there, got a little problem with receiving the contents of a xml file (using TouchXML). My first query works very well, looks something like this: NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:STATION_ID, latitude, longtitude]; CXMLDocument *rssParser = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] options:0 er...

What is the Proper Escape Formatting for HTML and CSS Within an XML Document?

I have an XML data source that has HTML & CSS formatted data contained in one of the document nodes. What is the proper way to escape this data so that I can properly parse it? For clarification, I am using TouchXML in Objective-C to parse the data. (Not that it should matter but I wanted to include all pertinent information.) Any help ...

Parsing SO RSS feed using TouchXML, no <entry> tags found

I'm trying to parse a Stack Overflow RSS feed of a specific question: For this I'm using the TouchXML library. There seems to be a problem in the following code: CXMLDocument *parser = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:sourceData options:0 error:nil]; NSArray *allEntries = [parser nodesF...

TouchXML, get text value of node objective-c

I've looked all over the web but just can't figure out how to get the text from a node in objective-c. I'm using touchxml and am getting my node list but U I want the title text from a node but instead get a node object. My code is: resultNodes = [xmlParser nodesForXPath:@"SearchResults/SearchResult" error:&err]; for (CXMLElement *resu...

Problem parsing a soap response (iphone / touchxml)

Hi I make a webservice and it works, the problem is with the webservice response. I have this xml (and i want to parse with touchxml), the problem is with touchxml that it founds two xml, one inside the other and it make crash. Here is my question, how i can parse this xml? how i can remove all the stuff like soap-env, xmlns .... <?xml ...

TouchXML to read in twitter feed for iphone app

Hello there, So I've managed to get the feed from twitter and am attempting to parse it... I only require the following fields from the feed: name, description, time_zone and created_at I am successfully pulling out name and description.. however time_zone and created_at always are nil... The following is the code... Anyone see why th...

XML answer problem

Hi, I tried to read the response data from google weather api, but german umlauts aren't shown correctly. Instead of "ö" I get "^". I think the problem are those two lines of code: CXMLElement *resultElement = [nodes objectAtIndex:0]; description = [[[[resultElement attributeForName:@"data"] stringValue] copy] autorelease]; How can i...