
TouchXML - reading only certain elements

Hey everyone, So I have an XML file and am using TouchXML to read it. There are only some elements in the XML file that I require. So I created a class 'Contact' with properties that I wish to save from the XML file. What i've come up with so far is this: NSMutableArray *res = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; CXMLDocument *doc = [[[...

TouchXML parsing error

Hi, I have a xml document which has only one element in the document. This is the whole document. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error>key ! is invalid</error> But when i try to parse it, it says this document has no element at all. In other words when i try to access the rootElement it says "null" Here is the code i am usi...

Memory Leak in TouchMXL?

Hi all, I'm using TouchXML to parse an XML-stream the following way: CXMLDocument *parser = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:responseString options:0 error:nil]; [responseString release]; // array holding all the nodes NSArray *directionNodes = [parser nodesForXPath:@"//direction" error:nil]; NSArray *linieNodes = [parser nodes...

how to get the nodes with specific element value

Could some one please tell me how do we use the text function in the XPath query. I needed the information for Hillman Library present in the xml resultNodes = [rssParser nodesForXPath:@"//Library[1]/Hours/TermOrHolidays" error:nil];. for now I used the [1]. But I wanted to use the tex...

using variable in xpath it possible??

Could some one please tell me how do we use the text function with variable in the XPath query in c-objective for iphone. I needed the information for Engineering Library present in the xml NSString *libName = @"Engineering Library"; NSMutableString *xpathquery = [[NSMutableString a...

Parsing `<media:content>` RSS feed tags using touchXML

Hi, I have the following RSS feed that I'm trying to parse using touchXML for an iphone application. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:mediasl="" xmlns:itunes="

Can't get XML element with colon in the name using TouchXML

I have the following code: NSString *subtitle = [[[node elementsForName:@"subtitle"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; NSString *duration = [[[node elementsForName:@"itunes:duration"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]; The first line works perfectly. The second line though won't work. I assume it has something to do with namespaces, but I'm ...

Problem with CXMLElement in UITableView on selecting a Row

Hello everybody, I've got a tableview. In the "ViewDidLoad" method I have filled an array with CXMLElements. On debugging, I have seen that these are all CXMLNodes. CXMLElement has a property to get the subelements which is called "elementsForName". In the "cellForRowAtIndexPath:" method I used this property: - (UITableViewCell *)t...

TouchXML - Invalid XML does not return error object

Say I have an invalid XML. For some reason, TouchXML still sees it as a valid object. For example: NSString *str = @"?> obviously invalid!"; NSData *data = [str dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; NSError *parseError = nil; CXMLDocument *document = [[[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding options:0...

iPhone, parsing HTML with TouchXML

Hey guys, has any of you some experience with parsing HTML with the TouchXML lib on the iPhone. I would like to parse some html and therefore try to do the following self.parser = [[CXMLDocument alloc]initWithData:self.html options:0 error:&error1]; if (error1) { NSLog(@"Error: %d", error1); } NSError *error; NSArray *resultNod...

parsing SOAP response with touchXML - a problem

Hi everyone, i've another problem with obj-c: i'm trying to parse this XML : here's the case: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""&gt;&lt;soap:Body&gt; <GetMyDas...

NSXMLParser vs KissXML vs TouchXML which one is memory efficient ?

Hi, I have a large XML file ( around 1mb ) . i want to ask that if i parse the XML with NSXMLParser or KissXML/TouchXML. which will take less interim memroy ?? ( the memroy took during parsing ) . ...

How to parse complex XML tree using TouchXml in iPhone.

Hi all, I am trying to build an app which during start-up connects to website and downloads the XML data. Though the data is large(100 KB) and i am using TouchXml for it. The xml is like this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <itemA attA="AAA" attB="BBB" attC="CCC"> <itemB> <itemC1 attD="DDD" attE="EEE" attF="FFF...

How to display Data from RSS Feed in Parts in Iphone Application

Hi all. I am displaying RSS feeds in my table view. as there are hundred of feeds so my application takes lots of time to load them and display them i want to load just first 25 feed and display them in Table view and when User Click on More 25 application load next 25 and display them. Any Idea........... :) I am using TouchXML t...

Parsing multiple attributes in TouchXML

I'm in the making of an application where I'm using TouchXML to parse an XML containing airport flight information. The XML looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <airport xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" name="OSL"> <fli...

how to get the node inside the parent node in touch xml parsing

Hi all I am parsing my xml with libxml ,my code is as follows -(void) grabRSSFeed:(NSString *)blogAddress { // Initialize the blogEntries MutableArray that we declared in the header blogEntries = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // Convert the supplied URL string into a usable URL object NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: blogAddr...