need help configuring port to input in 8051

The connection is as follows An infrared sensor circuit which yields 0 or 5v depending on closed or open circuit output line to port 2_0 pin of microcontroller 8051 philips.Problem is when i do this the circuit value are overridden by the current value on port 2_0 led always goes on.Here is my code(in keil c) i guess i have ...

advantages of atmega32

what are the advantages of using atmega32 than other microcontrollers ? is it better than pic and arm,8051 ? ...

8051 microcontroller kit recommendation?

I'm a first year Computer Science student looking to get started with development for micro-controllers. I'd like to use the 8051, as it's common as dirt, and is used frequently in the real world. During my junior or senior year, I'll be taking a PIC micro-controller based embedded design class, so I'd rather not do PIC now; otherwise,...

(8051) Check if a single bit is set

I'm writing a program for a 8051 microcontroller. In the first part of the program I do some calculations and based on the result, I either light the LED or not (using CLR P1.7, where P1.7 is the port the LED is attached to in the microcontroller). In the next part of the program I want to retrieve the bit, perhaps store it somewhere, a...

Why does some sfr in 8051 are bit addressable?

Hello, According to this: http://www.8052.com/tutsfr.php , the sfrs whose address are divisible by 8 are bit addressable. You can do things like SETB or CLR on them. But aren't they overlap other memory addresses? I mean, for example, P0 is in 80h. So P0.0 will be 80h, P0.1 will be 81h. But 81h is the address of SP. Aren't they overlap?...

How to `cat' file in a specific baud?

I'm using uCsim to do unit test on SDCC projects. In uCsim/S51, you can simulate serial line traffic by s51 -s /dev/tty PROGRAM.ihx or s51 -S in=testdata.in,out=testdata.out PROGRAM.ihx In the latter form, the data is immediately sent to the simulator which causes a lot of frames are lost. So instead of given the test data in p...

How can I improve these 8051 arch instructions?

I'm writing to memory space a few address and I need to optimize the code. There is a better way to do the following? SETB 00h SETB 01h SETB 02h SETB 03h SETB 04h SETB 05h SETB 06h SETB 07h ...

sorting in keil

i am supposed to code a bubble sort program in embedded C using keil uVision. I havnt yt understood what is it that is actually required. I have been told to use registers and/or ports in it. if anyone can understand what exactly has to be done pls help me out... ...

how to program 8051 using python

can i program 8051 using python, i m not getting any of the to program 8051 in python environment. if any body know plzz help mee ...