
Facebook access_token: how do I get it once the user accepted my app?

When a user visits my site which contains a facebook app the first time, it requires him to allow it and he gets promted to do that, then I get the code which I can convert to an access_token. So far so good. But how do I get the token once the user has already visited the site? As long as this token form the first time is active everyt...

Exchange a request token for an access token with Twitter API using PHP

I am new to OAuth, and am struggling to exchange a request token for an access token with the Twitter API using PHP. I am using OAuth - Consumer and Server library for PHP from I successfully get a request token and store the token and secret in a cookie: $options = array('consumer_key' => $this->ke...

OAuth: Storing Access Token and Secret

We have a number of clients that use our API to power their websites. I have started a conversation at work about using OAuth to make authenticated API Calls. We will have both, two and three legged flows. For the 3-legged flow, we still have not come to a consensus on how to store the access token and secret. The common approach to...

Facebook Graph API Set a Valid Session

Okay, I am attempting to use PHP Sessions to maintain my Facebook Session info (user, access_token, etc.) so that I can pull in data feeds from other pages securely for my members. I thought it might be as simple as attaching the access_token to a $me graph api call and catching an expired/invalid session or if the access_token is valid...

Process.Start() impersonation problem

Trying to start process with another access token, without success, it runs as the non-impersonated user. using (WindowsIdentity identity = new WindowsIdentity(token)) using (identity.Impersonate()) { Process.Start("blabla.txt"); } How to make this work properly? ...

Anyone Know the Lifespan of a Facebook API Access Token?

what is the lifespan of an access token in the FB oAuth API? Not the extended offline permissioning, just a normal access token? ...

receive application access token from Facebook

I'm trying to learn how to get an application access token from Facebook for my app. I'm sending a jquery reguest (in the firebug console) based on the data specified here ( I seem to get the response ( access_token = 'my_app_id|'+the_app_token ) but firebug se...

Best Practises on using Facebook-Connect in addition to your own authentification in your php application

I'm using the Kohana 3.x Webframework and I integrated Facebook-Login successfully. That means: the user can click on the Facebook-Login-Button, I get the fbs_ Cookie and I can query facebook for all the information i need (like name, friends, etc...). I believe that I can trust facebook and their security so I just get the facebookid ...