
How to make a "recursive" accordion

Hello, I found this code on here from this post: and it is almost what I need. But what I want is so when you click on one of the tabs instead of showing text it brings up another set of tabs that you can click on and then the same thing happens when you click on...

jQuery accordion, clicking an already opened accordion item just toggles it

I have a semi-working example that you can look at. This appears to work as most would desire, though it shares a bug I am seeing in many other accordions, which is if you click on the an already opened header link, it will be closed, and then opened again. Any elegant solutions? Here is the jQuery <script language="javascript"> ...

jQuery accordion links do not work

I have no idea what I am doing, but I found some code, that I am using to create a accordion dropdown for a help page on my blog. Everything is working perfectly, but when I click on a link in the dropdown, it closes the accordion and does not go to the external site. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Is there a way to fix this? Her...

Collapse all the tabs in a Accordion on jquery?

By using the Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC, how can I hide all the Accordion Tabs on page loading up ? By default, it will expand the first Accordion tab on page loading up! Thanks a lot! ...

jQuery Accordion and active link

hi, i use the followig accordion menu: function initMenu() { $('#submenu ul').hide(); //$('#submenu ul:first').show(); $('#submenu li a').click( function() { var checkElement = $(this).next(); if(('ul')) && (':visible'))) { return false; } if(('u...

jQuery accordion menu - keep accordion menu open to the page I am on

Hi everyone, I hope you can help. I'm very new to jQuery and am working on a five- or six-level accordion menu for my side navigation. I got the majority of the code I have so far from Dane Peterson @ (thanks Dane!). But, I'm stuck on one thing: I'd like to have my accordion/tree work like this: When I navigate down int...

jquery Accordion : drop down list is not getting hided eventhought the master containers visibilty is false

I have a page where i am using jquery accordion to show /toggle some content.I have placed all the accordion content inside a div called divAccordionHolder.When the page loads initially, i dont want to show this div,When user clicks a button in the page,the div which has accordion would be visible.I have set the visibility of the divAcco...

jquery Accordion and flashing / jerking text.

I am using jQuery Accordion here and find some strange behavior when opening a section. The text jerks and looks dreadful for a second or so and then appears normally. This only happens when moving down and opening the next section. When I go the other way, the transition is smooth. Is there a setting that would remove this behavior? T...

jquery accordion header

Hello I am using the jquery accordion plugin on 2 divs so I setup my divs like this <div id="contacts" class="mainStyle"> <h3 id="headeronline"><a href="#">Online</a></h3> <div id="onlinecontacts"> </div> <h3 id="headeroffline"><a href="#">Offline</a></h3> <div id="offlinecontacts"> </div> </div> the...

Open an accordian panel with a function

ok here is the full code with the spelling corrections and everything. I am still getting an error. code for parent is : $("#leftNav").accordion({autoHeight: true}); <div id="leftNav"> <h3><a href="#">Client</a></h3> <div> static text </div> <h3><a href="#">Account Summary</a></h3> <div> static text </div> <h3><...

Accordion Item not in correct Visual State

I need to use an Accordion to display some totals on a LOB application we are building. If I place the Accordion in XAML all works fine and the state of the icon (>) is correct and pointing to the right. On Mouse entering the AccordionItem we do not have a visual state change. If I dynamically add AccordionItems on a Button Click (to s...

AjaxControlToolkit Accordion and databinding

I'm using the HeaderTemplate and the ContentTemplate of the Accordion control and binding it to a datatable. For some reason it doesn't display any data. If I bind the datatable to a datalist it works as ecpected, is this a known issue or am i doing something completely wrong. I'm binding the accordion control in the code behind if this ...

Prototype / Accordian using images within <div class="accordion-toggle">

Heyas, The problem I'm experiencing; Using Prototype with Accordion I'm having problems using images within the . I'm extremely unfamiliar with jscript and web concepts so I thought it better to ask you guys before i break anything! /* Simple Accordion Script * Requires Prototype and Libraries * By: Brian Crescimann...

Creating a DataTable object with dummy data

I am trying to databind a DataTable to an accordion and I have found that If I retrieve the DataTable from a database using a table adapter it binds to the accordion perfectly however what I want to do is create a dummy table (for testing purposes if I don't have access to my database) the code to create the dummy table is below: Da...

My Own jQuery Accordion

Hey Guys, i have created the following Menu Structure: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Main Item1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Main Item2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Main Item3</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">SubItem for MainItem3</a></li> <li><a href="#">2ndSub for MainItem3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Main Item4</a> ...

jQuery Accordion and Navigation Issues

I am working on a site for a client and have run into a problem with the side navigation after adding jQuery Accordion to the main content area of the page. On this page: if you click on Products in the right hand sub-navigation bar nothing happens. I am not ...

Click a link on a home page and have it open an accordion other then default actice

Hi I need to be able to click a special menu link on the homepage and have it open a page with an accordion open to a different section other then the one that is normally active (0) when you visit the page from the default (different) menu link. I am pretty new to jQuery but I think I can follow proposed solutions. Thanks! ...

jQuery accordion open from href link

My page gets a value from a url passed to it. accordId gets a value of 4. I need to make the accordion open to a certain panel based on the fact that the value for accordId is 4. So I want panel 4 to open based on the accordId of 4 that was passed from the url. ...

How to make only specific text clickable on accordion header - jquery?

I added delete and edit link to the accordion header, yet those links are not working since every time i click on them the accordion open. And advice on how can I do it? Note that I'm doing nested accordion. this is how i defined it on js: $("#acc2").accordion({ alwaysOpen: false,active: false,autoheight: false, header: 'h3.ui-accor...

Animation change needed on 'jQuery Common Accordion - Horizontal & Vertical'

Hi guys. I'm using this jQuery plugin: If you view the demo of the horizontal mouse click version (see demos page underneath the code on the site) you'll notice that the content not only slides left but also slides / flicks downwards as well. I want to stop the downward animation but ...