
Linux server account management

I am trying to help maintain a few dozen ubuntu servers and am looking for a way to maintain accounts on all the machines. I tried using likewise-open but but found it to be unstable. I would constantly have to login to a local account and rejoin it to the domain. Had it proved to be stable it would have been great for my needs. Ther...

DirectoryServices.AccountManagement "old" password still validates after password change.

After resetting a users password in Active Directory, if the user tries to log in using their old password, the following code validates as True: Dim up As UserPrincipal = GetAdUser(objContext, arg_strBA, arg_strUsername) If up IsNot Nothing Then Dim valid As Boolean = up.Context.ValidateCredentials( up.UserPrincipalName, arg_...

How would you configure a catch-all email system using Google Apps?

Using Google Apps for your Domain, is it possible to set up a catch-all address to act as a proxy for various other addresses on a hypothetical virtual mailbox system and, if so, how would you go about setting this up? ...

How to set a base class internal field

Hi, Im extending a class (DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Principal) and I need to assign a value to a field in the base class but its marked internal. Can I use reflection to set the value? How would that be done? I found this: base.GetType().GetProperty("unpersisted").SetValue(??, false); But im not quite sure how to give it t...

Allow users to remove their account

I am developing a gallery which allows users to post photos, comments, vote and do many other tasks. Now I think that it is correct to allow users to unsubscribe and remove all their data if they want to. However it is difficult to allow such a thing because you run the risk to break your application (e.g. what should I do when a commen...

How do I expose built-in security and user management to a MVC application?

I have built a MVC website on IIS6. I used the built-in ASP.NET Security without Membership, just the way it was implemented in the template solution. It is easy to secure a contoller or action, but now I need to expose the user management to an admin logged into the site. I understand that the builtin ASP controls for doing this are n...

GroupPrincipal.Members.Remove() doesn't work with a large AD group

I'm using the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace classes to manage the membership of several groups. These groups control the population of our print accounting system and some of them are very large. I'm running into a problem removing any user from one of these large groups. I have a test program that illustrates t...

Strange issue with System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity

We're writing a system that allows a user to change their account password through a web application on our intranet. At first, everything appeared to be running smoothly. During development passwords for our test accounts could be changed with no problem. When we made the system live, however, we started running into issues. Here are...

Unique subscriptions

Architectural question for a classic ecommerce problem: I researched and didn't see a good solution. We're looking to create a subscription model where a person is given access to content. We're looking for ways to constrict people from sharing login/passwords. The hash combination of password + machine name wont work because our solu...

is System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal thread safe?

I am writing a program that will create users in bulk, I have a operation that is part of the creation that is blocks for about 5 seconds, to get around this I was going to make it threaded and have everything sitting in a thread pool. My question is if I create the principle outside the thread and pass the group principle to the thread...

Improving performance of System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

I have a program that will let me manage users on our terminal server that we use to demo our software. I have been trying to improve the performace of adding users to the system (It adds the main account then it adds sub accounts if needed, for example if I had a user of Demo1 and 3 sub users it would create Demo1, Demo1a, Demo1b, and D...

Extending GroupPrincipal and Members property

I want to extend the GroupPrincipal class to handle some custom properties: using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement; [DirectoryRdnPrefix("CN")] [DirectoryObjectClass("group")] public class MyGroupPrincipal : GroupPrincipal { // ... } How could I override the Members property for MyGroupPrincipal so that if it has a membe...

Searching for multiple users with PrincipalSearcher

Is it possible to search for multiple user names with a single PrincipalSearcher call. Maybe by providing an 'OR' of the requested user names as the filter criteris ? ...

DirectoryServicesCOMException when working with System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

I'm attempting to determine whether a user is a member of a given group using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagment. I'm doing this inside a SharePoint WebPart in SharePoint 2007 on a 64-bit system. Project targets .NET 3.5 Impersonation is enabled in the web.config. The IIS Site in question is using an IIS App Pool with a dom...

Account activation PHP

I created this account registration activation script of my own, I have checked it over again and again to find errors, I don't see a particular error... The domain would be like this: Which comes from an email, when a user clicks it, they get r...

Social Network (Facebook, Twitter, etc) User Account Integration (duplicate scenario)

So there are definitely many tutorials out there regarding how to integrate various individual social network authentication/registration into existing user accounts. But the scenario I can't seem to find out much information about is if a user signs into your account with different social network credentials. For example: Scenario #1...

Users management on remote Windows server using C# System.DirectoryServices

Hello stackoverflow, I've written a program which opens a connection to a remote Windows server in order to manage local accounts (not Active directory). The program executes the following steps: User Creation Add the user to a group Both methods use System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement, here the two functions: public void C...

credentials stored securely in the report server

Hi, Does anyone know the least windows account previlege to run under "credentials stored securely in the report server" option in the report manager? I have tried to create a windows account with admin right and assign to "credentials stored securely in the report server" option but didn't work. However I enter administrator account, ...

Extending UserPrincipal; FindByIdentity() fails

Extending UserPrincipal to take advantage of its built-in properties... running into an issue when we overload the FindByIdentity() method. From Microsoft's example at (parts excluded for brevity): [DirectoryRdnPrefix("CN")] [DirectoryObjectClass("inetOrgPerson")] publi...

Where does Android Account Manager store account specific preferences?

Hi, I've been successful in creating various account authenticators / services each with their own preference.xml. These preferences are persistent but I do not know where on the phone they are stored. I've scoured the phone using adb but I can't seem to find a *.db or "shared_prefs" files that corresponds to the preferences for my pa...