
How do you run CMD.exe under the Local System Account?

I'm currently running Vista and I would like to manually complete the same operations as my Windows Service. Since the Windows Service is running under the Local System Account, I would like to emulate this same behavior. Basically, I would like to run CMD.EXE under the Local System Account. I found information online which suggests lau...

Why does Vista report that my Windows account not being in Adminstrators Role?

Under Windows Vista, when I check whether my current user account is in Administrators role, I am getting a negative, as shown in the following picture. Can anyone tell me why I am not in the Administrators role? When I do the check if I am in "Debugger Users" role, I am getting "True" Thank you. ...

Installing PostgreSQL on Windows

I'm in a bit of a mess here. I installed PostgreSQL on my Vista computer a couple of days ago but then when asked to enter the password for the postgre user account I couldn't remember it (allegedly I was asked during setup but I don't remember that). Anyway, so I uninstalled Pg with the intention of reinstalling it, removed the user ac...

Authentication of Windows Local User account in C# 3.0

How to authenticate local windows user account in C# 3.0. Windows OS on which i have to validate the password is Vista and Win2K8. Note: User account is a local account and not an domain account. I found a solution in C# 3.5(PrincipalContext class), but could not find in 3.0 framework. Please suggest, thanks ...

Modifying my website to allow anonymous comments

I write the code for my own website as an educational/fun exercise. Right now part of the website is a blog (like every other site out there :-/) which supports the usual basic blog features, including commenting on posts. But I only have comments enabled for logged-in users; I want to alter the code to allow anonymous comments - that is...

Best practices for data deletion on user account termination

On a site that has a fair share of user-generated content such as forum threads, blog comments, submitted articles, private and public messaging, user profiles, etc; what is the best practice as far as what to do with the user-generated data if a user terminates their account? I'm not asking legal advice and I don't view this as a legal...

Password Information

I want to get the various user account passwords which are stored in my computer programatically using Visual C++. Are there any APIs to help me do this? ...

How to always set a value for account-scope in Rails?

Hi, I'm working on a multi-user, multi-account App where 1 account can have n users. It is very important that every user can only access info from its account. My approach is to add an account_id to every model in the DB and than add a filter in every controller to only select objects with the current account_id. I will use the authori...

Min Security Rights to Preform LDAP Queries in Active Directory

Our company is trying to implement a few single sign-on applications using Active Directory (Windows Server 2003) and LDAP. I would like to lock down the account used to make these LDAP queries as much as possible. What is the best practice for configuring this type of account? ...

User authentication in HTML, with no PHP, ASP or JSP

Can I create user accounts automatically using HTML, VBScript or JavaScript? By 'account' I mean being able to limit access to pages to authorised users only. ...

Best Practices for Non-loggable Accounts

I am wondering what the best practices are for creating non-loggable accounts. On StackOverflow, there is a Community Wiki account that I'm assuming can't be logged into. How should I go about scripting for non-loggable accounts? If there is an account that I don't want to be accessible, should I set parameters like you can't log into ...

Are there other methods than emailing a verification link to verify account info?

At the moment, we are sending an email address verification email each time someone signs up. This email has been causing a number of problems: people don't get it, they just don't click the link in the email or the email gets block by spam or some other method. We are working on resolving the spam issue, although I don't think it's poss...

How to enable sharing of web site on localhost?

I tried to enable my site on loclhost to be accessed from other computers but i can't find a way to do this. I have tried to add shareing to "Internet Guest Account" but that doesn't work either. I just can't forse it to enable access from my other computer. ...

C#: Detect if running with elevated privileges?

I have an application that needs to detect whether or not it is running with elevated privileges or not. I currently have code set up like this: private static bool _isAdministrator() { WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity); return principal.IsIn...

user identification with openID

Since I have never used openID befor I have no idea about it. I want to know when someone want to log into my website using openID do I have to register his information (is there any registration process efen if the user don't fill the information). should I provide an alternative classical user registration beside openID. ...

Secure authentication in PHP

Let me rephrase my last question, what PHP library or framework can I use for professional and secure authentication? Extra points if your idea helps implement account Control Panel features (change password, edit profile). How do you pros do it? Have you ever done trustworthy authentication using PHP? ...

Getting the Current Logged On User from a different User Session

Hi Guys, I'm running a .Net application as a service under a special application user. From this service, i would like to get the User Name running the currently logged in session. I tried getting the user name that owns the Explorer.exe process, but the restricted user does not have access to this as it throws an exception if i try an...

What are the implications of deleting a user account?

Most of the websites I've used in the past (including this one) do not offer an option to delete your own account. I think the main reason is to avoid the orphanage of the items created (or the delete on cascade of those items). Modern sites (like this one) have a place where those items go when an account is abandoned (in the case of ...

Config Service Account

Is there way to configure Service Account user dynamically? My goal is to assign network Service Account dynamically based on the user input info. I’m using WISE BuildIstaller 8.1 (old tech) to install and execute set of CMD files. Any help would be appreciated! ...

MySQL Users and All Privileges

Ok, I'm trying to add a user to a MySQL database. This user should be able to add other users to the database it has privileges for. So I did this: GRANT ALL privileges ON thedbname.* TO 'topuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; However, I this user cannot add users. Is that because I only gave them 'all' for a single database? The permissi...