
Login page uses SSL, unencrypted pages don't see encrypted session cookie (Grails, Acegi)

Setup: Grails 1.1, Acegi/Spring Security plug-in I want users to log in over SSL, so I have '/login/**' in my[] list, but almost everything else is in channelConfig.insecure[]. Every request for /login gets redirected to https:// and every other request is redirected to http://. My problem is that the login process...

Spring security pre-authentication for development mode

While developing an application it's quite useful to be able to quickly login as different users, with different roles, to see how the application presents itself. Typing usernames and entering password is no fun, and a waste of time. What I'd like to do is: add a page/panel with a list of available usernames; clicking on a username w...

How to get the certificate into the X509 filter (Spring Security)?

Hi, I need to extract more information than just the CN of the certificate. Currently, I only get the standard UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String arg) where arg is the CN of the certificate. I need to get the X509Certificate object. Is it possible? on spring security xml file : <x509 subject-principal-regex="CN=(.*?)," user-servic...

Is there something like Acegi for PHP?

In Java world, Acegi is a powerful security framework based on Spring that allows you to simply manage authentication and authorization. AFAIU, it supports OpenID, and Facebook Connect, LDAP, NTLM, Kerberos, etc. via Grails. If you are interested how it works, take a look at diagrams in this tutorial Anyway, this is all cool, but I'm de...

Generated PersonController expects Authority to contain word ROLE

I'm brand new to acegi and relatively new to Grails. I just followed the tutorial to set up a new role and a new user. Every time I saved the user (with a role checked), it saved the user information fine, but not the role associated with the user. I finally dug into the controller code that was generated, and noticed this: private ...

Using Java Domain Objects With Spring Security Plugin

I'm working with a legacy database and corresponding Java Domain Classes. I'm trying to add Spring Security to the app and I'd like to use Java Domain Classes for that too, just to be consistent and keep everything together. Grails has no problem using both POGOs and POJOs, btw. So, starting with a new, empty database and a new empty gr...

Pentaho Acegi Security Framework Digest Authentication & Ruby on Rails

Hi all, At the moment I have a Ruby on Rails application which maintains my Users, I have a seperate application (Pentaho) which uses Acegi/Spring Security to authenticate Users. I have been able to change the way Acegi/Spring Security authenticates Users and now it points to my Ruby on Rails application's database and I can get Users ...

Acegi plugin errorPage

Hi! I am developing an application under groovy using the acegi security plugin for user authentication. I want to return HTTP Error 403 in case the authentification fails (user not found, password doesn't match, etc). Following the documentation it should be enough to set under the DefaultSecurityConfig.groovy errorPage to null (err...

Acegi password encryption

Hi! I am using the acegi groovy plugin for user registration and authentication. The User domain class which comes with the plug-in has the following definition (and comments). class User { static transients = ['pass'] static hasMany = [authorities: Role] static belongsTo = Role /** Username */ String username /** User Real Name*/ Stri...

acegi ntlm how to?

I have an application that using ldap acegi-security-1.0.2.jar . I able to authenticate the user with active directory. I wanted to add NTLM auto login feature for my application. May i know what extra acegi library do i need to do this? is there any example on acegi+nltm on this? ...

Spring security - SecurityContext.authentication null in taglib and jsp but ok in controller

Hi all, I've been struggling with this issue for a little while now. Found several posts about it but none solved my problem. It will probably have something to do with the fact that a SecurityContext is boud to a specific Thread but even then I do not know how to solve it: Consider following code to retrieve the user that was logged i...

spring security: what is the difference between account locked and not enabled

The UserDetails interface has two properties that seem to be the same, locked and enabled. Aren't these just the opposite one of the other? ...

Grails Acegi plugin lost password

I'm looking for an implementation of a password retrieval procedure using the Acegi plugin for Grails...Google is failing me... ...

Integrating Spring LDAP (Acegi) using Struts 2 RolesInterceptor

Acegi provides ExceptionTranslationFilter for handling authentication or access denied exceptions. We can use Struts 2 RolesInterceptor raise these exception and there by delegating authentication and authorization to Acegi. RolesInterceptor checks using isUserInRole method in the servlet request and calls handleRejection method. Securi...

Custom authentication

My system has 2 subsystems. Each subsystem has different set of users. Each user has an extra field "SystemName" that can be used to know which system this user belongs to. In the login forms (1 form for each subsystem) I added a hidden field specifying the type of the form (containing the SystemName value). Generally, the check is rat...

A Guice-ready security framework?

Has anybody seen a framework which is either written to work with Guice or a library that integrates an existing security system (ie: Acegi) with Guice? I have found the following thus far... (I think this abandonware) (no documentation) ...

Grails security

Which is the best security solution for grails among acegi, jsecurity and Stark security? regards Josh ...

Checking if specific user has a role

Hi, is there some pretty way to check if some specific user (not the one that is logged in) has some specific role? Here is grails example (generally the same for plain Java but syntax): def user = User.get(1) //Get user with id 1 if (ifAnyGranted(user,"ROLE_ADMIN")) { //This is the line I need to implement somehow ... } Thanks in a...

Spring login need custom msg on screen

Hi, I want to display custom message which will be fetched from database when user try to login on login page. This message can be changed by administrator. So always need to be fetched from database. We are using acegi spring. Do anybody know how to do this? Jaydeep. ...

Why does registering a new user using the ACEGI plugin for GRAILS give a "Default Role not found." error.

Perhaps put a different way, how do I set up a default security role for newly registered users in Grails using teh ACEGI plug-in? I have followed the acegi/grails tutorial here and am using controller annotations - although I haven't secured anything yet. I added a second role called WEB_USER and have successfully added a User to that...