
jSecurity JDBCRealm SQL setup

Hello all! I am trying to use jSecurity for an enterprise java app, but the documentation is...well...lacking. Has anyone out there in SO-land been able to get the JDBCRealm setup, and if so did you find a SQL setup script or did you just derive it on your own? Either way, can you provide the create SQL statements to make this work? ...

Implementation of “remember me” in a Grails application.

How do I implement a "Remember Me" function in Grails so that the user can check it and he won't have to log in again for 2 weeks? I'm using the jSecurity plugin and want to change the cookie's lifetime beyond the browser session. ...

Grails Jsecurity plugin: Increase session timeout

Hi, I am using Jsecurity plugin version 0.3 with grails 1.1. I need to increase the session timeout for users. Any clue how i should go about this? ...

Java options for web user authentication

I'm looking for a secure user login/session management component for a public web app. Spring Security seems to have potential, are there any other high quality alternatives? Conceptually this is easy and we currently have code that works fine, but I'd rather be using code that has been publicly reviewed for security flaws. Needs: ...

jsecurity : how to setup permission from database ?

Hi, I'm using Jsecurity plugins on Grails and I would like to know how to setup permission for each page from the database if possible. it's like to store the following rules: /home/edit/* for Admin /home/* for Users /administrator/* for Admin /menu/* for Admin, Staff Admin etc ... at the moment, we did it in the c...

Run code in Hibernate Filters

I have a fairly sophisticated security mechanism that I implemented using Apache Shiro (formerly JSecurity). In order to know the exact visibility rules for an object, I need to run some code (i.e. lookup user's roles, permissions, groups, etc). I'd like to run queries that tell me objects that the current user is authorized to see. ...

Grails security

Which is the best security solution for grails among acegi, jsecurity and Stark security? regards Josh ...

request.isUserInRole("ADMIN") also returns true for user not in role ADMIN but role USER

Hi, I'm currently trying out the JDBCRealm in Glasshfish v3: I have 2 roles USER and ADMIN. I have a LoginServlet that redirects to a url (say /admin or /user) based on the request.isUserInRole("ADMIN") method. Problem is when a ADMIN is logged in it returns true, so gets redirected to /admin but he can also access the /user. When a U...

Traditional Auth, Facebook Connect & Grails

I am writing an app which needs to have both the traditional form of user auth, and Facebook Connect. I am using groovy/grails for this application. Grails luckily has JSecurity plugin, Acegi Plugin and Facebook Connect. The Acegi plugin claims to have OpenId and Facebook Connect support too. Anyone's got any experience getting it to wo...

Grails Weceem CMS Plugin

Hi , My Problem is that I am using grails Weceem CMS Plugin . I want to combine Jsecurity plugin with this weceem cms plugin. how to do it ? Please help me to find the solution. Regards DINESH T ...