
Is there any good opensource ACL framework or libary?(java)

Here's my situation. I use RBAC model to control function-level ACL, and use hard-code (if/else in my business code of DAO/Service layer) for fine-grained ACL. But, my customer cann't figure out requirements of fine-grained ACL right now. So, I think maybe it's time for me to extract fine-grained ACL logic from business code. Decoupl...

Best way to manage an S3 Bucket?

I have been trying for a month and a half now to transfer files and update ACL permissions. My bucket in question is 28gigs, and has over 45,000 objects in it. It generally takes three days to do it. I've tried the following : Bucket Explorer CloudBerry s3sync s3cmd s3 organizer s3fox And quite frankly, none of them can handle it. ...

Does Java EE security model support ACL?

I used Java EE 6 with Glassfish v3.0.1, and I wonder if Java EE security model support ACL, and if so how fine-grained is it get? EDITED I implement Security using jdbc realm via glassfish v3, that the realm at runtime look into table USER inside the database to check for authentication, by looking at the password field and authorizatio...

how to set folder ACLs from C#

How can I automate the following manual steps in C#? Right click a folder in Windows Explorer; Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Edit Un-tick "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" and click Remove. Click Add, choose a group and grant it Modify rights. I've found this article, which looks like exactly what i...

cakePHP: question about ACL

I code $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('index') I use plugin poll, rating in action index . When I enter action index, Auth dont allow because action of plugin poll,rating dont permit. How to allow action of plugins poll,rating, public in controller (I dont want allow in controller of plugin ). ...

How to find users based on groups defined in ACL in CakePHP?

I'm using CakePHP here. Let's say I have 3 groups of user, namely: Super Admin Admin Customer and this scenario has been setup using ACL. Now, how do I return only users that belong to a particular group? e.g. Find all Customer only I am able to do this using pure SQL statement: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN ( SELECT foreign...

Need to have a user in more than one groups in cakePHP

Hello I am trying the ACL component in cakephp for my web application. The example on their website for using their ACL structure has a many to one relationship between groups and users. A user can belong to one group, while a group can have more than one users in it. But I have a situation where I need to have a few users in more than ...

How do I set folder ACL's with Web deploy in VS2010?

I have a web application I want to deploy via Web Deploy, using "Build Deployment Package" It has a folder called "Errors". This is part of the project. Web Deploy adds it, but how do I specify that i want the application to have Write permissions on this folder? Do I have to manually edit the source manifest each time, or can I set it...

Storing private "octet string" in Active Directory; what is secure by default?

I am essentially storing a private key (Hash) in any of the OctetString attributes within Active Directory. My question is, what attribute is secure by default and makes sense to keep private data there? This value should be considered similar to a password, where even administrators shouldn't have access (if possible), just like the c...

Where does Magento's Admin Panel Navigation Rendering Hook into the ACL?

When you log into the Magento Admin Panel, you're only shown menu items that your role allows you to. Where in the Core does Magento check the user's role to determine which Navigation items should be shown? (I'm not interested in the _isAllowed method on Admin controllers, I'm interested in the Navigation rendering). Also, as along a...

What are these constraints called? Where can I find out more?

Ok, I have been trying to get a 'custom' ACL to work with extra constraints. A normal ACL check is something like: if(aclCheck($user, 'edit', 'really_important_value')){ // Allow $user to 'edit' the 'really_important_value'. } else { // Deny $user to 'edit' the 'really_important_value'. } But, if different users have different...

Spring security ACL, @Secured annotations

Hi guys, I currently running into trouble with spring security, I have been following the two last tutorials referenced on the spring security article page Methods secured with the don't seem to trigger any Spring Security logic. This is my test file: public class AclServiceTest...

AXOs in phpGACL turn phpGACL into an RBAC?

While reading the phpGACL manual, I read AXOs are identical to AROs in many respects. There is an AXO tree (separate from the ARO tree), with it's own Groups and AXOs. When dealing with AXOs, consider an AXO to take the old role of the ACO (i.e. "things to control access on"), and change the view of ACOs from "things to...

How can I reproduce exception ...access control list is not in canonical for...

Hi, I'm trying to understand why it apeared in desktop application (C# .Net 3.5) and how to reproduce it to debug: System.InvalidOperationException: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified. at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.ThrowIfNotCanonical() at System.Security.AccessControl....

cancel request in beforefilter() in PHP

Hi All, I'm using CakePHP , CAS for Authentication and ACL for Authorization. If the user donot have permission to view the page, i need to flash a message stating Not permitted OR redirect to another page. Ex: If the user is viewing /users/view/1 .Now the user requests /users/delete/1. The user donot have permission to delete. So I wa...

db schema to store and read multiple level access control

Scenario: I have organization, in org I have departmenst, in depts' I have groups, in groups I have users. I have courses. I can give access to any combination of users/groups/departments/organizations. Each level inherit the access it's parent has (so every course which is available to the organization is also available to all of it's ...

Checking if a user has read permissions for a file in windows

How do you check to se if a user has read permissions for a file in windows? There is the possibility to read the authorization rules via File.GetAccessControl. This does not tell me if the user has the right to read the file through group membership... ...

Managing complex ACLs in Zend Framework

Hello, The manual shows how to configure ResourceAutoloader to use Acls directory to store ACLs. Where can I see some usage cases of such a complex ACLs, so these /acls directories in each module would be really useful? How to manage inheritance and separation of Access Control Lists in each module? How many ACLs do you have for an a...

Resource based ACL vs controller based ACL

Hello, The traditional approach to manage access to controller actions is to create resource (string identifier) for each /module/controller/action, then check the ACL in controller plugin. Lately I discovered very handy Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface, which can be used to control access to any class implementing it. This way, any Model, ...

Restoring ACL using setfacl/getfacl?

I recently removed my ACL because my professor needed to copy certain files. Now I know I should have just granted his user permissions instead of removing it all using 'setfacl -b .' on my home directory. So the question is how do I recover or set a new ACL to my home directory using setfacl/getfacl? ...