
Trace() method doesnt work in FlashDevelop

When I put a trace("test"); at the entry point of my flashdevelop project and run it. The application runs fine but I do not see the trace in the output. Below is my code package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; /** * ... * @author Anthony Gordon */ public class Main extends Spri...

Resize AIR app window while dragging

So I've noticed Windows 7 has a disturbing tendency to prevent you from dragging the title bar of windows off the top of the screen. If you try - in this case, using an air app with a draggable area at the bottom of the window, allowing you to push the top of the window up past the screen - it just kicks the window back down far enough t...

How can I have different colors for different tabs in SuperTabNavigator.

Hi Well the heading is basically what my question is: How can I have different colors for different tabs in SuperTabNavigator. Below is the code to my SuperTabNavigator with three tabs: <containers:SuperTabNavigator x="0" y="10" width="100%" height="100%" ...

How to create a vertical gradient in flex

How to create vertical gradient in flex. What i currently have is a horizontal color gradient. And its working fine. But I am unable to figure out how should I make it vertical (which ofcourse is the requirement) I use styleName = "chatWindowLeftGradient" <mx:VBox id="chatTabBarVBox" height="100%" styleName="chatWindowLeftGradient"> ...

mouse wheel operates on scrollbar

If a SWF file or even a component within it has scrollbars, wouldn't it make sense that if the user is hovered over that area (it's in focus) and uses the mouse wheel, that this movement would automatically translate to the scrollbar moving. Any ideas how this is done, the events or classes used for this? I'm open to outside components ...

Flex 3 / Air: Writing blank new lines to files using FileStream

I want to write some text directly to a file using Flex 3 / Air. The text on the file (call it "Database.txt") must have the following format: Line1 Line2 Line3 var FS:FileStream = new FileStream(); var DatabaseFile:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("Database.txt");, FileMode.WRITE); FS.writeUTFBytes("Line...

Flex Framework vs. Micro-Architecture

I'm in the process of choosing a framework for my flex development, and one of the questions that was asked about a framework was "is this a framework or a micro-architecture"? Can someone clarify what's the difference? What exactly is a framework, and when can we start calling what we have a framework? I work with FlexBuilder3 (now c...

as3 formatting a textfield

Hi, I'm dynamically creating textfields in as3, and formatting them with the TextFormat class. I'm having some issues though with selecting the exact "style" of font to apply to the textfields. My code so far looks like: formatT = new TextFormat( ); formatT.bold = false; formatT.color = 0x000000; formatT.font = "TradeGoth...

Actionscript 3: Force program to wait until event handler is called

I have an AS 3.0 class that loads a JSON file in using a URLRequest. package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Loader; import; import; import; public class Tiles extends MovieClip { private var mapWidth:int,mapHeight:int; ...

actionscript 3.0 load images dynamically

I am making a photo slideshow in flash and would like to be able to load images dynamically from a folder. So that whenever i have a new photo i can just stick it in a folder and have my swf file read from that folder and update the slideshow. Is this doable in actionscript 3.0? if so any pointers would be helpful. thanks! ...

adding a sprite to 1 <s:State>

I'm looking for a flex 4 compatible way of adding a sprite generated with graphics library to a skin. If I generate the sprite like this: private function drawShape():void { theshape = new Sprite();;,5,10);; } What would be t...

Possible to pass parameters to a skin?

I have 2 skins, almost identical, but differ in 1 small way that can be accounted for if I could pass a Boolean to the skin while assigning it to the host component (a button). <s:Button skinClass="MyBtnSkin" /> Is there a way while assigning the skin to the button, I could also pass a parameter to the skin somehow? ...

Auto generate SWF in Flex SDK

I'm building my first website with AS3, and I'm using Flash Builder 4 to create/edit my AS classes. I have two .fla files (preloader.fla and portfolio.fla) which I both published as .swc and loaded them into my ActionScript project in FB4 (build path). When I hit debug, FB4 automatically generates a .SWF in bin-debug folder called Preloa...

mp3 playback stop echoing, as3

Hitting play more than once, causes an echo and I can't stop my mp3 player. What's the best practice for mp3 playback? var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); playButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, myPlayButtonHandler); var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); function myPlayButtonHandle...

[AS3/C#] Byte encryption ( DES-CBC zero pad )

Hi there, Currently writing my own AMF TcpSocketServer. Everything works good so far i can send and recieve objects and i use some serialization/deserialization code. Now i started working on the encryption code and i am not so familiar with this stuff. I work with bytes , is DES-CBC a good way to encrypt this stuff? Or are there othe...

In actionscript, why is my static class member variable not the same when accessed from different parts of my app?

I have an actionscript class with a static member variable defined. public class A { public static var x:int; } When I try to access it from different parts in my code I don't get the same value in each spot. A.x I am accessing the variable in different modules that are loaded, so they are all in their own separate .swf file....

ActionScript black color value is NaN

i'm trying to determine if a color has been supplied as an optional argument to a function. in order to determine this, i'm simply writing if(color){...} and supplying NaN if i don't want there to be a color. however, it seems that the color black (0x000000) also equates to NaN. how can i determine if a supplied color number argument ...

Calling AS3 function from html link - Javascript? php? swfaddress?

I have an actionscript function that loads an external swf and is currently linked to a button in the same swf... function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ SoundMixer.stopAll(); removeChild(loader); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSWFLoaded); loader.load(movieSWF) loader.x=Xpos loader.y=Ypos addChild(l...

Mixin or Trait implementation in AS3?

I'm looking for ideas on how to implement a Mixin/Trait style system in AS3. I want to be able to compose a number of classes together into a single object. Of course this is not a language level feature of AS3, but I'm hoping that there is maybe some way to do this using prototype based techniques or maybe some bytecode hacking that I...

can we add system icons into the flex application

can i add system icons (.doc, .ppt icons etc) into my flex application without embedding them into the application directly. ...