When I am debugging my application and I pause the application, looking through the debug window, there is a window which shows the name and value of all my variables. However, for ArrayCollections, it shows something like "(@B3FB02)" instead of the value. I know I can get the values of the various items inside the array by clicking th...
Hi there, I were hoping that someone can help me with this Actionscript (2)
I want to load an image into my flash file, and then assign a image from a folder using the xml file - and then make it link to the url in the xml
xmlData = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite = true; xmlData.onLoad = function(loaded) { if (loaded) { loadMovie(...
I've created a class that loads it's subclasses based on a name passed to it. The function uses getDefinitionByName, gets the class type, and instantiates it, and returns it if the class is a subtype of the class that owns this method. The subtypes are all mxml files that extend the base class, in order to simplify instantiating controls...
I am a newbie in Adobe AIR, and am trying to print a HTML from my air app, however, this HTML should never be seen on screen. I am using HTMLLoader for this, as per some sample I saw on the web.
What happens, is that there is a print dialog, but it prints out a blank page.
If this is a window application, and I click some button t...
I have a doubt,.... How would you create a Singleton class in Flex...
Is there any convention like the class name should eb Singleton or it should extend any other class.
How many Singleton class can a project have?
Can anyone say the real time usage of a Singleton class?
I am planning to keep my components label texts in a Singleto...
Hello friends,
I need to make a parser to be able to extract logical structure from a text input in order to construct a query for some web service.
I tried to use regular expressions but it gets really complicated to handle imbrication logic, so I decided to ask for help, maybe I am doing it the wrong way.
( (foo1 and bar) or (f...
What is the best way to render to a UIComponent which hasn't been added to the stage? (I'm using UIComponents as renderers for objects, and want to render new copies for image export, filtering, etc.)
Two strategies I've seen/used so far include realizing the component to ensure it calls all the lifecycle methods:
Add the component t...
I have loaded a SWF which is created in Flash CS9 (AS3). I'm having problem passing Bitmap (or BitmapData) from the flex app to the loaded SWF.
Invoking of other functions in the loaded from Flex works, but when I try to pass a Bitmap to the loaded SWF, nothing happens. Here's a sample code:
var bm:Bitmap = (someEvent....
I have a Image loading Issue.
Where in, all the Images were getting loaded at the same time & because of this all the versions IE browsers were getting hanged. (I have around 100 Images to be loaded. a total size of 32.5 MB) Mozilla was working fine though. So I decided to download each Image at a time using a preloader. Below is the sc...
Hi! Is there an as3 solution for extracting file content from uncompressed tar files around?
/ Jonas
In the PureMVC framework, Proxies communicate with the ApplicationFacade (and thus any interested components) via a Notification. Should this Notification be sent via their own instance, or the Singleton instance of the ApplicationFacade? Frankly, does it matter?
Here are two ways of doing this (in Flex/AS):
// from the proxy itself
I'm using an XMLparser class to convert XML into an object.
The problem is that the XML I have contains a dot in the nodeName (estate_size.primary_room_area). This of course doesn't work since it uses the dot notation for the object path already.
Some ideas, but have no idea how to do them:
-Replace the dot in the name somehow
-Change ...
I'm porting some code I prototyped in python over to flash and while actionscript doesn't suck quite as bad as I expected (I hear v3 is quite a lot better than v2!) there's still some stuff I'm having to do that seems overly prosaic / boilerplate e.g. summing a list...
var a:int = 0;
for each ( var value:int in annual_saving )
Which of the following best translates the English statement "If it's rainy, we will watch a movie. Otherwise we will go to the park."
a. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); }
b. if (rainy == true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); }
c. if (rainy = true) { gotoAndStop ("movie"); } else { gotoAndStop ("park"); }
d. if (rainy =...
I have an app with a canvas which content changes dynamically. In my app there is a progressbar which I want to show while the canvas update is executed. Is there any event to call just before the update starts?
My program requires multiple random recursions, and I have to manually let the script continue past a warning that keeps popping up:
"A script in this movie is causing flash player to run slowly."
Is it possible to automatically continue past this warning?
What I'm working on is a navigation bar populated by an XML document.
I'm working from an existing navigation bar while I learn, and the existing bar has a menu, and when clicked each button has a sub menu.
I'm trying to remove the submenu so that when you click the navigation bar button, you go to the address defined in the XML.
So f...
Hi there,
I would like to change the state of a flex button component with actionscript (on the fly) to present it as mouse-down/mouse-over/mouse-up, in order to use the css skining with out the existence of the mouse cursor.
I tried to do this with button.currentState but this doesn't work.
thanks in advance
I have a *.fla that gets its data from a xml file with some nodes.
What I really want to know is how can I change my text x and y positions via AS?
I am having some trouble getting an interactive, animated plane created from a MovieClip in the Library to show any kind of animation or receive any mouse events.
Specifically, I am having issues with the different states of Button instances in the MovieClip.
Here's the basic code that I am testing with:
private function init3D():voi...