I am converting a large application from AS2 to AS3. Part of the function is that it loads assets embedded in SWFs, which are old things. It is not possible to convert these to AS3 (there's really no code in them, it's just they're produced by tools that output flash 6 compatible SWFs).
The question is, how can I use this AVM1 (ActionS...
I am trying pull a field out of a string and return it.
My function:
public function getSubtype(ut:String):String {
var pattern:RegExp = new RegExp("X=(\w+)","i");
var nut:String = ut.replace(pattern, "$1");
trace("nut is " + nut);
return nut;
I'm passing it the string:
Using Flash 8, and ActionScript 2, what is the max value that an _x property on a MovieClip can be? For instance, is it okay to position a movieclip at _x = 60000?
Hi there.
I'm trying to propagate an assignment to the data parameter of a sub-component through it's parent component's setter. Like this:
public override function set data(val:Object):void
We have a widget (SWF) that needs to be broken into two SWFs. The main SWF will contain all the programming and business logic and it will also load a second SWF file which will contain the assets, fonts etc.
I have limited experience in Flash but I know it can be done in Flex. Anyway here we have to do it in Flash CS3. Will it be ...
FlexBuilder's debugger will show you the "memory location" (or, I can only assume, something roughly analagous) of any in-scope instance:
But I'd like to get this information in code (sort of like Python's id function), so I could very easily trace how objects move through out the system. For example, I might have:
Is it possible to detect the specific webcam hardware that a person is using to stream through flash? Assuming that the user has accepted the webcam security questions and is successfully streaming to a FMS server; Can some code we written so that I can tell if the user is using a lifecam vs another model. Ie. are there headers or some o...
As far as I know, what I ask here isn't possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway in case I'm missing something.
Suppose you want to let users upload JPG images, and these images are scaled into smaller icons and the original images are always discarded and never required again. Is there any way that would commonly work in most modern brow...
I have an AIR Application which uses the mx:HTML tag to load a webpage hosted by me.
In my webpage, I want to invoke a function in the containing AIR application via javascript?
Is this possible?
in my AIR application:
public function goBack():void{
trace('invoked from javascript!');
<mx:HTML id="coreHtml" width="100%" ...
Everything seems to be a string right now & that kinda ruins the whole xml as an internal data structure thing, I don't need a big tree of string I need typed data :-/ Are there any changes I can make to either my XML files or my AS3 code that will force it to cast ints as ints and Numbers as Numbers? Or maybe some kind of type schema I ...
I have lots of child text inputs within a spark Scroller. How can I make the TextInput with id of "x" come into focus if I have a..z id's, also for the scrollbar to scroll automatically to that child item?
I can use x.setFocus(), but the scrollbar doesn't automatically scroll to that item? why?
<s:Scroller id="scroller" width="100...
On occasion, I have wanted to push a closure onto ActionScript's event stack so that it will be executed after the current event handler. Right now I use setTimeout(closure, 0). Is there a more direct way of doing this?
I'm looking to upgrade the upload function of a web app of mine from a fairly simple PHP + javascript uploader to a flash uploader. I've been looking into swfupload from swfupload.org. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with that library, or if someone can recommend a good pre-built flash upload widget. I don't mind if it req...
Has anyone here come up with an elegant way to take a piece of text and make it go around the edge of a line that is warped? (specifically, circular, but I'm sure once it's following the line, the shape is not relevant). I can't find a good resource for how to do this. I assume I'll need to create separate movie clips for each character ...
I currently have a single SWF file that dynamically loads other SWF files with a movieclip named 'container'. However, I am unable to manipulate anything within the dynamically loaded SWF from the main file. I'm simply loading the file with this:
I tried getting the loaded SWF to play by usin...
I have a TileList which represents some remote data. I also have a form which allows me to change the data. And the data may be changed by someone else too.
What is the best way to maintain data in the list in an up-to-date state? The simplest option I see is the following:
Select an item in the list
Edit it in the form
Save i...
I have this actionscript so far:
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("nav.xml"));
function LoadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData = new XML(e.target.data);
function ParseBooks(bookInput:XML):void {...
Is there any way for C# to get a list of the methods the swf exposes through ExternaInterface?
I am using the following code for my Navigation in a FLash CS4 file:
stop ();
function buttons(event:MouseEvent):void{
In a flex tileList, is there a way to get the cell-address of a given item? i.e. for a given item, get the row/column location for that item in the list.