
as3 ExternalInterface.addCallback is not working right

Hi, I was trying to access swf from javascript, so this example in livedocs is what I'm trying to modify. http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/external/ExternalInterface.html#includeExamplesSummary However,it is not working correctly for some reason. The problem I'm encountering is that it does not work in Sa...

Actionscript3 to JavaScript communication: best practices

On a more abstract level then a previous question, in my experience there are 3 ways to call a javascript function on an html page from an embedded .swf using AS3: ExternalInterface, fscommand, and navigateToURL. Let's compare and contrast these methods (and maybe others I haven't listed) and talk about the pros and cons of each - right...

How do I pass information between Flash's ExternalInterface and JavaScript?

How do i pass three arguments using external interface in flash to a java script function and get back output and display it in flash? ...

External Interface Error

import flash.external.ExternalInterface; ExternalInterface.addCallback("asFunc", this, asFunc); function asFunc(str:String):Void { out.text = "JS > Hello " + str; } send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickListener); function clickListener(eventObj:Object):Void { trace("click > " + mean.text); ExternalInterface.call("calc", mean...

jQuery Sounds IE7 / IE8 Issue with Flash ExternalInterface

I would like to add sound alerts to a web application. I believe that Flash is the best way to do this to support all major browsers, ie. IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari. Chrome does not seem to work with the non-flash sound solutions. I have been using jQuery and would like to use the jQuery Sound plug-in. An example is shown at jQuery S...

actionscript ExternalInterface namespace collisions

A have a flash widget (a music player) and there are about 10 instances of it on one page. I need to communicate between the flash and the javascript of the page it's embedded in. I haven't done much with actionscript for a long time, but some googling led me here, and to ExternalInterface. It seemed perfect, however there is one problem...

Is there a workaround for the missing ExternalInterface.objectID in ActionScript 2

I'm downporting some ActionScript 3 to ActionScript 2 (some ad agencies sadly still refuse to embrace the future) and I've run into the issue that in ActionScript 2 ExternalInterface has no objectID property, as it does in ActionScript 3. The code I'm working on calls a lot of JavaScript, and some of that code requires the script to kno...

how to read a global javascript variable from actionscript

Given that there is a global javascript variable on my web page named myVar, how can I access the value of the variable myVar from within my flash movie using javascript? I see plenty of examples of using external interface in order to execute javascript from actionscript, but I am unable to find examples of returning values back into t...

calling externalinterface.call from embedded swf from another server is not working in Firefox

Hello, I have an index.html on server A. In index.html I embed a swf from server B. The swf contains a init with flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("alert", "externalalert"); When I run the swf on server B it works, when I run the swf through the index.html on server A I get an : Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface...

flash ExternalInterface sniffer

i want to see all the calls that a flash object is doing to the javascript on my browser is there an ExternalInterface sniffer? ...

ExternalInterface.addCallBack not working?

I have a Flash/AS3 project I am trying to add a call back on, I added the call back like so: ExternalInterface.addCallback('force_refresh',force_refresh); and I am calling in from JS like this: function thisMovie(movieName) { if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { return window[movieName]; } else { ...

Why does Flash's ExternalInterface *sometimes* not work?

I have a Flash movie which has a number of actionscript 2 functions which are exposed to Javascript via ExternalInterface. Normally this movie works fine and Javascript can communicate with it. But sometimes, intermittently and without explanation, the flash object in Javascript will not have the ExternalInterface functions. This happens...

Using ExternalInterface in Flash

Hello all, I'm trying to edit some flash to make an external javascript function call, but with no success. Here's my actionscript 2.0 code: //testing external .js calls import flash.external.ExternalInterface; //attempting to make external js call ExternalInterface.call("createPlaylist","It's my Life!"); and here's my javascript; ...

Flash External Interface issue with Firefox

I am having a hard time getting ExternalInterface to work on Firefox. I am trying to call a AS3 function from javascript. The SWF is setup with the right callbacks and it is working in IE. I am using AC_RunActiveContent.js to embed the swf into my page. However, I have modified it to add an ID to the Object / Embed Tags. Below are o...

Without using trace, how to tell if flash application is in a container?

Hello all. I'm trying to determine if my flash content is inside a container. I have no idea what this means, but apparently it's bad for making ExternalInterface.calls. I'm developing the site on a linux machine I'm running the server on and I'm working with the flash on a windows machine. I've tried many options for using trace, none o...

Can't get ExternalInterface in flash to work...

Hello all, very new to flash. I'm using the XSPF music player (the slim version found here (http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/), written in AS2) to play through a list of mp3s on a website. I need to make a javascript call each time it loads a track. I'm attempting to do this through ExternalInterface, but so far with no luck. Here's my...

externalinterface - calling javascript from SWF

HI, im trying to call a javascript function from my actionscript code but its not working; as3: if (ExternalInterface.available) { try { ExternalInterface.addCallback("changeDocumentTitle",null); } catch(error:Error) js (inside velocity file using swfobject) function changeDocumentTitle() { alert('call f...

ExternalInterface Woes

Hello all. I know there are an abundance of articles and forum post (many of them from myself) regarding ExternalInterface, I guess I'll add one more... I have a small flash app (a button) which is set up to test the availability of ExternalInterface and it works great. I also have a larger, more complex, flash mp3 player, which I am tr...

What is the recommended way of encoding/decoding XDR types in erlang?

In another SO discussion, we were talking about interfacing an erlang application to another non-erlang app that is using XDR encoded packets for network communications. Unfortunately, I couldn't really find any real pointers on dealing with XDR data using erlang. So what is the recommended way of dealing with XDR encoded data in erla...

ExternalInterface.call causing error in IE

Hi, I have a menu screen that for various reasons consists of a number of buttons as separate flash movies. When a button inside these movies is clicked, it is supposed to call a javascript function to move to the appropriate page. It works fine in firefox, but is currently failing in IE7. I don't have an IE6 handy to test on. This is th...