
WiX 3.5.2030.0 CreateDatabase fails with 1603 with DTF external UI handler, works without external UI handler

I have a simple WiX (3.5.2030.0) installer on Windows 7 (Windows Installer 5.0.7600.16385 according to msiexec.exe's properties) that uses the supplied custom action for creating a SQL database. When I run the MSI by itself, or run it in a transaction in a C# setup bootstrapper (using DTF for the interop), it works correctly. When I ru...

How to implement this pluggable mechanism in C# and java ?

Let's say I have three object A, B, C. B is the implementation of following interface: interface D { event EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> OrderCreated; event EventHandler<OrderEventArgs> OrderShipped; } I would add two functions in B which will raise the events in the interface. class B { RaiseOrderCreated(); RaiseOrderSh...

Flash and javascript ExternalInterface safety.

Is it safe to share data between flash and javascript using ExternalInterface? I'm building a game where I want to pass scores to js, not sure if this is safe enough. Thanks ...

as3 & Safari: External Interface and Callback woes - window.opener == null

So i have a simple set up. index.php which embeds myswf.swf into the page using swfobject 2. myswf wants to open a new window to interface with an external website - in this instance paypal. (for what its worth, this problem exists even when using documents on my own server - so its not the whole paypal thing) When the process has fin...

How can I add a zoom feature to my existing Flash application?

I have a Flash application with one scene, three frames and a bunch of ActionScript code to provide a number of ExternalInterface hooks. The three frames contain a single Input Text box which, as the <embed> tag is resized using JavaScript, grows and shrinks (not scales) to fit. I now want to add the ability to zoom in/out of this appli...

Pass a callback in ExternalInterface

I want to call a Javascript function from Flash, which I can do with ExternalInterface, but the Javascript function takes a callback. Is there a way to give it a Flash callback? I've thought of something like this: ExternalInterface.addCallback("foo", function(){...}); ExternalInterface.call("theFunction", "foo"); But that wouldn't w...

Is Flash ExternalInterface use possible in IE9 Beta?

I am trying to get our site to work in the Internet Explorer 9 Beta, and we make extensive use of Flash ExternalInterface, using Javascript to call functions exposed by our Flash movie with ExternalInterface.addCallback. I have seen some indication that others are having similar trouble: - http://www.kongregate.com/forums/7-technical-s...

Actionscript 3, JQuery SWF Object plugin and ExternalInterface problem.

Hi. I'm trying to write a simple flash mp3 player while using JQuery and it's SWF Object plugin. I'm adding an swf to the page using this code: $("body").append("<div id='player_external' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;height:1px;width:1px;'></div>"); $('#player_external').flash({swf:"player_external.swf",wmode:"transparent",hei...

Flex 4 listen for JavaScript

Hello! I am currently using ExternalInterface to call JS functions from Flex. Is it possible to do the same the other way around: have Flex execute a function when a certain trigger is executed in JS? I want to have a Flash app with buttons in HTML that when pressed call functions inside the Flex app. Thank you. ...

Bluetooth human device interface for reading digital input channels

An idea is to make Win Mobile phone become super alarm for car. Now I am searching for devices simalr to Velleman interface board, but I need device which can be connected to mobile device using bluetooth trough compact framework and C#. I need digital inputs for caching real events such as engine started or door opened. Is there a way t...

Invoke javascript function cross domain, don't expect a return value

I want to invoke a javascript function, and I don't need a return value. The function is provided by a flash externalinterface, but I don't have access to allowing my domain access... Can I proxy a javascript invocation? Do I have to send a cloned post, or is it possible to simply call the function? I know YUI has callSWF, can I use th...

workaround for Flash 10 clipboard restriction

Is there a workaround for the Flash 10 clipboard restriction that will only activate the clipboard if interacting with the flash movie? More info here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/fplayer10_uia_requirements.html This basically will stop you from automatically assigning the clipboard from Javascript. Is there a way p...