
actionscript ExternalInterface namespace collisions

A have a flash widget (a music player) and there are about 10 instances of it on one page. I need to communicate between the flash and the javascript of the page it's embedded in. I haven't done much with actionscript for a long time, but some googling led me here, and to ExternalInterface. It seemed perfect, however there is one problem...

Hash and salt

I remember a guy telling me that if i let him change 4 bytes he can make a file have any checksum he wants (crc32). I heard mention of salting a hash. I am wondering if someone had his file match my file would salting the md5 or sha1 hash change the result so both files no longer collide? or does it change the end hash value only? ...

Newbie at XNA, general questions.

As the title points out, I'm relatively new at XNA. However, I've been given a trivial assignment by my boss to see if I can get it done. I have no doubt that I eventually will, but some pointers in the right direction would help. This isn't a homework assignment, and I'm just looking for a couple of tips and pointers so I don't have to...

Please recommend a JQuery plugin that handles collision detection for draggable elements.

We're using the Draggable JQuery UI plugin and need to disallow overlapping among our elements. We could write some collision detection ourselves but would prefer to use a tested package. Any suggestions? ...

WPF: Collision Detection between 2 ModelVisual3Ds

Hi, I would like to know when a ModelVisual3D has overlapped another ModelVisual3D (I am uncertain as if they are in the same Viewport3D or not). The models are in XAML form. I have searched and searched for a solution without success. ANY help would be appreciated. Thanks Q PS I am working with VB.NET - but will accept C# code. Th...

Collision problems with OSlib for psp in C++

Im using oslib with the pspsdk toolchain and for some reason this doesnt work the way I think it would float spritewidth = sprite->stretchX; float spriteheight = sprite->stretchY; float bushwidth = bush->stretchX; float bushheight = bush->stretchY; //Basic border collision if (sprite->x <= 0) sprite->x = 0; if (sprite->y <= 0) spr...

Collision-Detection methods in C++

I am new to c++ and I have been practicing collision in a small game program that does nothing and I just can't get the collision right So I use images loaded into variables background = oslLoadImageFile("background.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551); sprite = oslLoadImageFile("sprite.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551); bush = oslLoadImageFile...

Overview rpg tiled space

I'm trying to make it where the character is in a tile and when they move up or down it moves to the next tile but I'm not sure how to do that. Right now, I have it set up where the character moves by pixels but I want it to move by 1 square. The code right now is this, and it works, but it's glitchy in pixel mode. I believe if it was...

XNA collision detection

I have a ball moving inside a cube, and I detect when it goes outside of the cube (with a bounding sphere and a bounding box). Now I would like to detect from which side the ball goes out. Then I could redirect the ball in the correct direction. How can I do this with the ball's “world” matrix? Should I keep track of the ball's coordina...

box2d collision groups

does anyone know whether bodies only collide when (body1.categoryBits & body2.maskBits) && (body1.maskBits & body2.categoryBits) ? or do they already collide when (body1.categoryBits & body2.maskBits) || (body1.maskBits & body2.categoryBits) ? ...

box2d edgeshape collision groups ignored

I added collision groups to my game and they are working fine except with concave shapes (Edge Shapes). It seems that they ignore them completely. When I don't use a contact filter and collision groups the collision works. ...

Tag multiple branches in git?

I have a git repository with two branches; one for code that's used for manufacturing/test and one that's the actual production firmware (they're nearly identical). It's now time to cut a release to send to the manufacturer, so I naturally want to put down some appropriate tags on both branches. But, it seems that git won't let me put ...

hash collision and appending data

Assume I have two strings (or byte arrays) A and B which both have the same hash (with hash I mean things like MD5 or SHA1). If I concatenate another string behind it, will A+C and B+C have the same hash H' as well? What happens to C+A and C+B? I tested it with MD5 and in all my tests, appending something to the end made the hash the sa...

C#: property/field namespace ambiguities

I get compile error because the compiler thinks Path.Combine refers to my field, but I want it to refer to class System.IO.Path. Is there a good way to handle this other than always having to write the FQN like System.IO.Path.Combine()? using System.IO; class Foo { public string Path; void Bar(){ Path.Combine("",""); } // compil...

Please explain murmur hash?

I just found out murmur hash, seems to be the fastest known and quite collision resistance. I tried to dig more about the algorithm or implementation in full source code, but I am having difficulty understanding it. Could someone here explain the algorithm used, or implement it in full source code, preferably in C. I read the C source co...

Looking for tutorials/examples for educating myself on per-poly 3D collision

I've been looking for a tutorial on 3D per-vertex collision systems (using C# and XNA, since I have that readily available), but have only been able to put together bits and pieces. I have a pretty good understanding at this point, but there's one rather large, glaring hole in my understanding. Basically, my problem comes down to: how d...

Good Collision Representation of Player Character in 3d Platform Game?

I am trying to make a simple 3d platform game. The issue I'm having is with the collision detection and response. I am currently representing my player character (for wall and floor collisions) with a sphere. I employ a simple gravity force and directional forces using the arrow keys for movement. My problem occurs when I come to an ...

Hash function combining - is there a significant decrease in collision risk?

Hi all. Does anyone know if there's a real benefit regarding decreasing collision probability by combining hash functions? I especially need to know this regarding 32 bit hashing, namely combining Adler32 and CRC32. Basically, will adler32(crc32(data)) yield a smaller collision probability than crc32(data)? The last comment here gives so...

how to use cocos2d sprite collision?

how do i start to implement a class for sprite collision ...

Detect if line segment intersects square

Anyone have a simple algorithm for this? No need for rotation or anything. Just finding if a line segment made from two points intersects a square ...