Automatically create class diagram from ActionScript code?
Is there a tool that can automatically generate class diagrams from Action Script code? ...
Is there a tool that can automatically generate class diagrams from Action Script code? ...
Please help Stackoverflow! I have a MapInterface class in AS3 that inherits from Interface class. public class Interface extends Sprite { public function Interface(){ // do stuff } } and then import com.georgecrabtree.Interface; public class MapInterface extends Interface { public function MapInterface(){ ...
Hi, I'm a web designer. In a effort to make Flash-based sites for my clients I have gone over stacks of AS books now for months. I just don't get any of it--and I've tried. Moreover, the books all give abstract examples to do just about anything with AE. My needs are very limited: I need to use AS for web navigation in order to create F...
Take a video on (like this one: If you play the movie linked above, you'll see the slide deck advance as the appropriate part in the movie is hit. If you advance it forward and back with the slider, you'll see that it triggers to the appropriate location in the slide d...
So the documentation has this nifty "in" operator which I like the idea of more that using a multiple step or statement (||). The documentation gives me this example. trace("PI" in Math); // true trace("myProperty" in Math); // false and public var myArray:Array = ["zero", "one", "two"]; trace(0 in myArray); // true trace(1 i...
This is driving me nuts. This script is adding datagrids to various containers in an accordion. In my first level for-each loop the item that fills my "if(component.@component_componentID == "999999999")" is the last item looped through everything works fine except the datagrid I am building there has the wrong columns. For some reason "...
I'm building a Flex application with about a dozen different screens. There's relationships between the screens such as when on screen 1, I click on something that is an input to screen 2. Then I might bring up screen 3, then go back to 2 and then bring up screen 4. To make it clear to the user where they are in the application, we'd lik...
Hello all, I am trying to display a text field that has text inside it, and display the flashing Caret at the end of the text. I have tried the following: Code: // ti_title is my textField stage.focus = ti_title; ti_title.setSelection( ti_title.length, ti_title.length ); I have also tried: // ti_title is my textField
Hello all, I am trying to take a snapshot of the masked region of an image... so, I load my image then perform the following functions: private function manageLoadedImage(e:Event):void { _bitdata = e.currentTarget.content; // get the bitmap _bithold.addChild( _bitdata ); // add the bitmap to a sprite on the stage _bithold...
Hi everybody :) I have a Main Application ("MainFile") and I want to start another Application (WindowedApplication) when the user clicks on a button. I want to do this via Action Script; Anyone knows how to do it? I have tried NativeApplication.nativeApplication.initialize() function, but it returns me "Error #1009: Cannot access a pr...
I'm receiving a date from a server in milliseconds since 1-1-1970. I then use the DateFormatter to print the date to the screen. However, Flex adds timedifference and thus it displays a different time than what I got from the server. I've fixed this by changing the date before printing to screen. But I think that's a bad solution because...
I am trying to make a full Flash site SEO'd and have come across a problem which it seems the swfaddress optimizer javascript can fix, but i can't find out how to configure it. Does anyone know of any documentation or examples to help me out. Thanks dai ...
I searched but couldn't find my answer, I'm sure it's easy for anyone with a little experience. I have multiple datagrids on a page, each one I want sortable with drag and drop, but I don't want items drug from one control to the other. How can I prevent a user from dragging an item out of a conrol. I would prefer to have it just stop mo...
I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure this one out. I've got a simple YouTube API client put together, written in Flex, that uses a plain ol' URLRequest object to handle Google's "ClientLogin" authentication scheme. Everything works perfectly, except for one case: when Google responds with a 403 and a response body indicating ...
What easiest way to place cursor (focus?) into an textfield input box for receiving user input after an event? Focus Manager classes have always seems very confusing to me. ...
I havn't been able to find the answer to this, and I hope theres an easy and obvious answer i just havn't found yet... Within flex (i.e. using actionscript and mxml), given two Sprites, is there a way to force one to be displayed on top of the other when they overlap? Thanks! ...
I would like to do the following: Have a few objects (e.g. 20 of them), each time I mouse over any one of them, it moves up and each time my mouse leaves, it moves down. obj1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, moveMyself1); obj1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveMyself2); obj2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, moveMy...
I am currently wondering if it is possible to load a swf that is sitting on another file server. I.e. I currently have a custom play bar swf which is embedded on a website (behind the company's firewall) which then loads swf content (currently in the same folder on the website server). The problem I have is bandwidth between remote site...
I am adding "layer" objects to the stage with a depth value. I have then created my own camera class. When I tell the camera to move to the right what Im actually doing is telling each layer object to move to the left. The distance that the layer moved to the left is based on the value of its depth variable... var fCameraDepth = 1; va...
Hi, I'm looking for a effects library for flex or flash, I used one in a project but I cant remember the name. It doesnt matter if it's not free or open-source. Thanks. ...