
Rails ActiveRecord Transaction does not finish

Hi everyone, I have a Transaction for a batch insert/update block and all of sudden it stopped working. The are no errors or exception risen and it seems like Rails stops just before the end of the Transaction blog so the methods does not return. I restarted both MySQL and the system but still. ...

subsonic ActiveRecord: Lambda Parameter not in scope.

Hi I am trying to delete list of albums from Album table. Following is the syntax but it fails saying "Lambda Parameter not in scope" Album.Delete(x => (ListOfIds).Contains(x.Id)); What am I missing here? Please advise. Thanks Pankaj ...

Advantages and disadvantages of Ruby on Rails polymorphic relationships.

What advantages and disadvantages do you know of Ruby on Rails polymorphic relationships. ...

ActiveRecord custom validation problem

Hi, I'm having a problem with validation in my RoR Model: def save self.accessed = self.modified = accessed validate_username super end def validate_username if User.find(:first, :select => :id, :conditions => ["userid = '#{self.userid}'"]) self.errors.add(:userid, "already exists") end end As you ca...

one-many-many assoc find conditions

Hello all! I've got the following models: project.rb has_many :tasks task.rb belongs_to :project has_many :assignments has_many :users, :through => :assignments user.rb has_many :assignments has_many :tasks, :through => :assignments assignment.rb belongs_to :task belongs_to :user So for example: Project.first.title #=> "Manh...

Rails has_many association and ActiveRecord#clone

shepherd has_many animals. I am trying to clone one of them: I get error: undefined method `stringify_keys!' for #<Sheep:0xb6ce154c> why? what is another way to clone dolly so that she would be associated with a shepherd and have sheep's attributes? ...

Rails Model With Aggregrate Data (not backed by a table)

Id like to create a model in rails that does not correlate to a table in the database. Instead the model should dynamically pull aggregrate data about other models. Example: I have a Restaurant model stored in the restaurants table in the DB. Id like to have a RestaurantStats model where i can run a RestaurantStats.find_total_visitors...

Active record and Repository patterns together. Is It acceptable?

I really like these two patterns. The drawback of Repository pattern is its cost(takes more time then Active record). Benefit is higher abstraction which really helps on complicated business logic. The drawback of Active record is that lower testability(db interaction is required) and harder in handling complicated domain logic. Is it...

has_many in Rails uses a JOIN

My understanding of the has_many relationship in Rails is that it will use a JOIN to find related rows. If I were implementing this from scratch I would have created a relational table. Am I correct in thinking it will be slower to use a JOIN? In Django, I believe the relational tables are created, and I know that I can use a relational ...

testing and establish_connection

Hi, could you tell me plz - how to write tests for projects, which uses in model establish_connection to connect another database? ...

Default Logical Sort on Resultset Array RubyonRails

I've add a custom sort to an ActiveRecord model by defining a method like this: class MyClass < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent_model #this would be the many in a has_many relationship def <=>(other) self.att <=> other.att end end Suffice it to say, the logic actually being employed in the comparison is a bit more com...

help with rails associations

I want to implement a messaging system for my app. I have users. What exactly should I do? create a messages model with foreign two user foreign keys??.. what would be the most approproate way of getting this done? My worry is that if I query "message.user" I wont know if Id be getting the sender of the receiver of the message ...

Subsonic : Can’t decide which property to consider the Key? foreign key issue.

Hi I am trying to select count of rows from a table which has foreign keys of two tables. The C# code threw the error mentioned below. So, I added a primary key column to the table (schema as follows) and regenerated the code. But still the same error is coming. Error : Can't decide which property to consider the Key - you can create o...

Could not get the child details from the parent after save invoke.

Hi guys, This is the scenario : Upon invoking the ActiveRecordBase<t>.Save (entity) I want to execute the ActiveRecordBase<t>.FindAll() method. The new inserted record could not get the details on the child class while the other record can. This was happened everytime I inserted a new record. I'm just wondering what is wrong. let say h...

Rails has_many through singular association

This is probably quite simple but I haven't yet been able to wrap my head around the problem. I have 3 tables... (well more than that) but in this scenario 3 that matter. Places Bookings and Ratings Places has_many bookings Each booking has_one rating (because the user only rates once) and belongs_to (a) Place Ratings belong_to (a) ...

Multiple databases in Rails

Can this be done? In a single application, that manages many projects with SQLite. What I want is to have a different database for each project my app is managing.. so multiple copies of an identically structured database, but with different data in them. I'll be choosing which copy to use base on params on the URI. This is done for 1. ...

'Unknown key(s): having' In Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Find Method

I have a project which needs to use an agregrate function to sort and return relevant records from one of my active record models. Problem is, despite seeing it used on numerous rails tutorials, and despite it being in the online ActiveRecord documentation, my Rails app throws this error at me when the method is called: Unknown key(s):...

After upgrading to Castle Trunk and NHibernate My Integration tests crash TestDriven.Net

I have an old MonoRail/ActiveRecord I've been doing some work too. Recently I decided to upgrade the application to Castle Trunk & NHibernate GA and I'm now finding a few issues with running tests: First off - When using TestDriven.Net to run the integration tests that work against the database, it's crashing TestDriven.Net ...

problem with delete when multiple columns

hiya when deleteing this works: orderitems.Delete(x => x.orderitem_sessionid == transkey); however this does not work orderitem.Delete(x => x.orderitem_sessionid == transkey && x.orderitem_productid == 6); i get no errors, but nothing is deleted either, i have working code as a substitute of var Deleteable...

Rails has_one :through assignments trigger a "undefined method `update_attributes'" error.

I can't figure out why rails has_one :through associations don't accept assignments. Here is the error: >> u = => #<User id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> >> u.primary_account => nil >> u.primary_account = NoMethodError: undefined method `update_attributes' for #<Class:0x1035ce5f0> from /Library/Ruby/Ge...