
Disable validation in an object in Ruby on Rails

I have an object which whether validation happens or not should depend on a boolean, or in another way, validation is optional. I haven't found a clean way to do it. What I'm currently doing is this (disclaimer: you cannot unsee, leave this page if you are too sensitive): def valid? if perform_validation super else super ...

How do I create many-one relationships using Scaffold?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails, and I'm trying to create a bass guitar tutor in order to teach myself RoR (and bass guitar). The walkthroughs use Scaffold to create ActiveRecord classes, but they seem to correspond to standalone tables; there's no use of belongs_to or has_many. I'd like to create three classes: Scale, GuitarString, and Fret....

Is there an equivalent for ActiveRecord#find_by equivalent for C#?

I'm originally a C# developer (as a hobby), but as of late I have been digging into Ruby on Rails and really enjoying it. Right now I am building an application in C#, and I was wondering if there is any collection implementation for C# that could match (or "semi-match") the find_by method of ActiveRecord. What I am essentially looking ...

Advanced find in Rails

Hi all I really suck at Rails' finders besides the most obvious. I always resort to SQL when things get more advanced than Model.find(:all, :conditions => ['field>? and field<? and id in (select id from table)', 1,2]) I have this method: def self.get_first_validation_answer(id) a=find_by_sql(" select answers.*, answers_registrati...

How do I Order on common attribute of two models in the DB?

If i have two tables Books, CDs with corresponding models. I want to display to the user a list of books and CDs. I also want to be able to sort this list on common attributes (release date, genre, price, etc.). I also have basic filtering on the common attributes. The list will be large so I will be using pagination in manage the load...

Exclude some ids from result in Rails ActiveRecord

I have following statement for query articles from some sections Article.all(:joins => :sections, :conditions => { :sections =>{ :id => [3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9] }, :id_not_in => @some_ids }, :limit => 4) Variable @some_ids is array with ids of articles wich must be excluded from result. ...

Cleanup ActiveRecord field

I have model Article it has field title with some text that may contain some "magic" patterns. In some cases i need to process text in title and other cases i don't, but in last case i need to get string w/o that patterns. For example i have title value like "Something **very** interesting" and when i call @article.title i need to get c...

Authlogic with nested attributes and polymorphic associations

Hi all! I'm having trouble with the following code: User < AR acts_as_authentic belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true end Worker < AR has_one :user, :as => :owner accepts_nested_attributes_for :user end Employer < AR has_one :user, :as => :owner accepts_nested_attributes_for :user end I'd like to create registration ...

Rails activerecord to_sql_string?

I've seen somewhere but can not remember. How to get a SQL string from an ActiveRecord object? Client.find(1).to_sql_string ...

Rails custom db table

My app is sending messages to client groups. I send message to each client in a loop. I'm using 3 ActiveRecord models: class Message < AbstractBase has_and_belongs_to_many :groups end class Client < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :groups end class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :messages has_an...

adding model validation errors in rescue

I have the following model with a virtual attribute class Mytimeperiod < ActiveRecord::Base validates presence of :from_dt validates_format_of :from_dt, :with => /\A\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}\Z/, :message => "format is mm/dd/yyyy" def from_dt self.from_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") if !self.from_date.blank? end def from_dt=(from_...

Rails after_create callback can't access model's attributes

I can't access my model's attributes in the after_create callback... seems like I should be able to right? controller: @dog = => 'brown', :gender => 'male') @dog.user_id = model: class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base def after_create logger.debug "[DOG CREATED] color:#{color} gender:#{gender} ...

ruby super keyword

Hi, From what I understand, 'super' keyword invokes a method with the same name as the current method in the superclass of the current class. Below in the autoload method, there is a call to 'super'. I would like to know in which superclass I would find a method with the same name or what does the call to 'super' do here module ActiveS...

Codeigniter active record select, left join, count

Hi There, I have a form that shows results from a database query, these results can have many other assets ajoined to them and I wanting to find a way of showing how many assets each elemement has. For example my table is of areas of england an other table has where the users live I current have this code, $this->db->select('*'); $thi...

ActiveRecord habtm through belongs_to

Setup: ModelA <- habtm -> ModelB <- has_many / belongs_to -> ModelC I'd like to setup a habtm between ModelB and ModelC, I've tried has_many :ModelA, :through => :Model3 But that doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to accomplish this? ...

STI and polymorphs

Hi, I have problem with my code class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end class NewsArticle < Post has_many :comments, :as => :commentable, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'created_at' end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true, :counter_cache => true end And on attempt go get comments for s...

Ruby way in model logic

Hi everybody! I'm junior rails programmer. I have some optimization questions about eager loading and Models at all. So I have such relationships: Program --< Subprograms --< Events --< Financings \--<Events --< Financings Program and subprogram is self-referrental sti models. I need to have a bunch of virtual fields in event...

Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry

Hi I have a model class Gift < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :giver_id, :scope => :account_id end add_index(:gifts, [:account_id, :giver_id], :uniq => true) Action def create @gift=[:gift]) if ... else ... end end In the "production" mode, I sometimes get an error Active...

is this a secure approach in ActiveRecords in Rails?

Hello, I am using the following for my customers to unsubscribe from my mailing list; def index @user = User.find_by_salt(params[:subscribe_code]) if @user.nil? flash[:notice] = "the link is not valid...." render :action => 'index' else Notification.delete_all(:user_id => flash[:not...

Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry

Hi I have a model class Gift < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :giver_id, :scope => :account_id end add_index(:gifts, [:account_id, :giver_id], :uniq => true) Action def create @gift=[:gift]) if ... else ... end end In the "production" mode, I sometimes get an error Active...