
good cheat sheat or ref card for Rails ActiveRecord

I'm just starting out with Rails and ActiveRecord. I feel that anything I want to make an association between two models (belongs_to, has_one, has_many) I have to read the documentation over and over to really understand it. Does anyone know of a good cheatsheet or refcard that makes the distinctions visible ? ...

activerecord to sequel transition

I'm using rails3.rc and activerecord3 (with meta_where) and just started to switch to sequel, because it seems to be muuuuch faster and offers some really great features :-) I'm already using the active_model plugin (and some others). But here are some questions I found and which I didn't find any documentation for: As far as I know, ...

ActiveRecord association model

I am new to rails and read this guide to get all the info so far. I have a simple scenario and want to make sure whether or not my associations will work fine. Scenario: User logs in -> sets up many groups -> each group has many employees User model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :groups end Group model: class Gro...

has_many_polymorphs & Forms

The way this program needs to work is like this: A person can view an event and then choose to either register directly for an event or for a team (which is registered for an event). class Event has_many_polymorphs :registrants, :from => [:users, :teams], :through => :registrations end class Team belongs_to :registrant, :polymorphi...

rails joins conditions as hash

hi, Course.find(:all, :group =>:id, :order => 'updated_at DESC', :joins=> :students :conditions => { :students => { :first_name=>"John", :status => 1}}) looking this query, passing the conditions as a hash, there is a way to: construct a where :first_name not null? construct a where :first_name != "John"? ...

How do I find the next record in an ActiveRecord set?

I am working in Padrino and have this in my controller @work.find_by_id(params[:id]) I want to add prev/next buttons into my view, and so must be able to get the path to the next item on the list. How can I do that with ActiveRecord? ...

Codeigniter num_row returns "array" instead of number

Alright, Im trying to count all the rows where "Membership_Status" = Active. The result I get right now is "Array" instead of a number. Here is my model class Report_model extends Model { function count_members() { $query = $this->db->get_where('Membership', array('Membership_Status' => 'Active')); return $query->num_rows(); } ...

How to insert records using select in codeigniter active record

I want to implement a sql query using CodeIgniter Active Record class. The query looks like this.. INSERT california_authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname) SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE State = 'CA' Is this possible in CodeIgniter without using the $this->db->query method? Solution: $this->db->select('au_id, au_ln...

How would I use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in my CodeIgniter model?

Hi folks! I have a CodeIgniter/PHP Model and I want to insert some data into the database. However, I have this set in my 'raw' SQL query: ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE duplicate=duplicate+1 I am using CodeIgniter and am converting all my previous in-controller SQL queries to ActiveRecord. Is there any way to do this from within the Activ...

In Rails, saving value of type String to a datetime column just saves nil. Why?

I came across this idiosyncrasy while testing my validations. With a migration defined as follows: create_table :time_windows do |t| t.datetime :window_begin, :null => true t.datetime :window_end, :null => true end in irb >> t ={:window_begin =>, :window_end => "not a time"}) => #<TimeWindow id: nil, win...

ActiveRecord errror "row containing the LOB value is not locked" in Oracle

Hi. In a Rails app I have a Company ActiveRecord Object and one of its field is a :text. This app must to work (please don't ask why... is my boss decision) in mysql and Oracle. in mysql works without problem (is a text datatype), but in Oracle is a CLOB and every time I tried to save (a new object or updated a existing one), this error ...

Rails ActiveRecord date parsing for i18n (specifically european date formats).

I'm working on a rails project for an Australian website. As a result, they want to be able to enter date formats in the more european-standard of 'dd/mm/yyyy' rather than the US-centric 'mm/dd/yyyy'. I have an ActiveRecord model with a Date field. I'm using jQuery's datepicker to provide the date select on a text field, and have it s...

Rails -- Find condition with id's all over the place

Hello, I have this find condition pulling from my model that currently looks like this. @major_set = Interest.find(:all, :conditions => {:id => 1..21}) I'd like to add some more individual ids that I've just added which are like 120...130. I tried to do... @major_set = Interest.find(:all, :conditions => {:id => 1..21, 120..130}) ...

How to declare many-to-many relationships if the join table is in a different database?

For example, posts table is in db1, categories table and category_post_join table are in db2. How to declare a many-to-many relationship between Post model and Category model? 'categories'=>array(self::MANY MANY, 'Category', 'category_post_join (post_id, category_id)') works only if all tables are in the same database. ...

Codeigniter problem with retriving value from database

Alright Im trying to retrive the number of rows where members are individual and active. Ive narrowed the problem to my model. Everything was working fine until I added a second clause to my get_where Here is my model function function count_individual_active_members() { $query = $this->db->get_where('Membership', arr...

ActiveRecord Migration & Rake tasks not loading models?

I know that you can do something like this to load the rails environment: task :my_task => :environment do MyModel.find(1) end But it seems the code in the models are not executed. I am using acts_as_audited, and there is a nice class function which retrieves all models which are being audited. The call looks something like: ...

how to take ActiveRecord associations to the DB

I execute the following commands to make the model: script/generate model user firstname:string lastname:string script/generate song group songname:string songtitle:string a user has_many :songs and a song belongs_to :user after this I run rake db:migrate however, the associations are not carried to my actual DB. Because in my actu...

Joins Tables & Rails

I have events and users/teams. class Event has_many :users, :through => :registrations end class User has_many :events, :through => :registrations end class Registration belongs_to :users belongs_to :events end When I register a user, I'm connecting them to the event like so: @event.users << @user Does this implicitly creat...

Codeigniter - Blank screen when trying to retrieve 8500 records

Hi, I am trying to display a table which contains 8500 records, I am using the same controller/model functions as I have used throughout the site which all work fine. On this page however, I just see a blank screen. Is this a known Issue with codeigniter? Is there a work around? I am totally stumped, my only option I guess is to split ...

Ruby on Rails, Model Joins

Hi Everyone, I have 2 models: class Video < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :categories, :foreign_key => "category", :class_name => "Category" end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :videos end This is fine so far, in my videos controller for the index page I have: def index @videos = Video.all(:joins => :categories) etc, ...