I am trying to use ActiveResource to consume xml data from a third party API. I can use the RESTClient app to successfully authenticate and make requests. I coded my app and when I make a request I get a 404 error. I added:
ActiveResource::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
to my development.rb file and figured out the problem. Th...
Im currently trying to integrate with a third party API using active resource.
Ive completed a large amount of the work but am struggling with a single nested resource.
I can retrieve the users from the company using
but any subsequent changes to a user will not save.
Rails ActiveResource is awesome ... except for one thing: as far as I can tell, there is no way to see what URL it is using behind the scenes. For instance, let's say I have an ActiveResource called Issue, for a webservice at myIssues.com/issues.xml. If I do:
Issue.find(:all, :params => {:page => 2})
I would expect that ActiveResour...
I have a route in my application that is like this:
It is used to retrieve logs for a specific deployment. On my client code, based in ActiveResource I have this:
logs = Deployment.find(deployment.id).get(:logs, opts)
Where opts is some parameters that I send via query string.
The problem with this code...
This is a bad thing to do but this temporary fix I want to push to production wants me to increase the timeout of ActiveResource. I've set it to 120 seconds.
How much further can it go ?
I have an application that interacts with ActiveResource from a system I have no control of.
It happens that the system sends me a JSON feed and one of the fields is called "type" and, everytime this model is serialized, I get this nasty exception. Since this is a CLI application, it's very annoying.
Is there a way to silence this war...
I have a REST API that I am trying to access using Rails 3.0.1 that returns:
<Title>This is a sample title</Title>
<Title>Another Title</Title>
I have set up my session.rb class defined:
class Session < ActiveResource::Base