
Routing problem in ActiveScaffold with Rails 3.0

I'm trying out ActiveScaffold with Rails 3.0, still trying to get it to work at all. I'm getting an error No route matches {:active_scaffold=>true, :action=>"show_search", :controller=>"locations"} when I browse to http://localhost:3000/locations. I have "resources :locations, :active_scaffold => true" in my routes.rb, but I don't kno...

RoR: ActiveScaffold: How can I make update_column fetaure conditional?

Schema: action_types ------------ id name description actions ------- id action_type_id date description The goal is to copy action_types.description to actions.description only if it is not occupied yet on the UI (!). What is done: class ActionsController < ApplicationController active_scaffold :action do |c| c.columns...

Overriding show/edit/etc behaviour in ActiveScaffold

I currently have a generic list that is generated by ActiveScaffold. At the end of each row in the list, ActiveScaffold adds the standard CRUD links - Show, Edit, Delete - for each record. I do not wish to use ActiveScaffold for these actions (long story) and have created my own controllers to handle this. I am trying to override these ...

how to check status new in activescaffold

active_scaffold :formats do |config| format_order = Format.find(:all, :select => :format_order, :order => :format_order).collect(&:format_order) format_order << format_order.size + 1 # I want only implement when new config.columns = [:name, :format_order] config.columns[:format_order].form_ui = :select config.columns...

How to highlight rows in list based on condition

Version 2.3.4 Let's say, I have an items table with some fields, for example: id, name, something, created_at, updated_at, is_dirty. I'm using active scaffold to display a HTML table from it. class ItemsController < ApplicationController layout 'application' active_scaffold :item do |c| c.columns = [ :id, :name, :something ] ...