
Getting Python to use the ActiveTcl libraries

Is there any way to get Python to use my ActiveTcl installation instead of having to copy the ActiveTcl libraries into the Python/tcl directory? ...

How to add data to an element with ActiveState's dom package

In TCL, if you use the DOM package (available in the ActiveState distribution) you can create an xml. set xmlDoc [::dom::create] set root [::dom::document createElement $xmlDoc "trafficStatistics"] set statElement [::dom::document createElement $root "Tx_Frames"] ::dom::element setAttribute $statElement "type" "numericlist" ::dom::ele...

Interfacing zlib with ActiveTcl 8.5?

I'm trying to use the zlib extension in ActiveTcl 8.5 in order to save out a compressed blob to a file. Both ActiveTcl 8.5.5 and 8.5.6 on win32 have a zlibtcl 1.2.3 extension. I've tried both: package require zlibtcl and load zlibtcl123.dll Which both seem to indicate that the extension is properly loaded. However, I can't seem ...