
PythonWin's python interactive shell calling constructors twice?

While answering I noticed that PythonWin PyWin32 build 209.2 interpreter seems to evaluate twice? PythonWin 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 9 2007, 17:40:28) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32. Portions Copyright 1994-2006 Mark Hammond - see 'Help/About PythonWin' for furthe...

Where does normally create temporary files?

On all my Windows servers, except for one machine, when I execute the following code to allocate a temporary files folder: use CGI; my $tmpfile = new CGITempFile(1); print "tmpfile='", $tmpfile->as_string(), "'\n"; The variable $tmpfile is assigned the value '.\CGItemp1' and this is what I want. But on one of my servers it's incorrect...

Why can't I use Template Toolkit?

I am trying to use TemplateToolkit instead of good ole' variable interpolation and my server is giving me a lot of grief. Here are the errors I am getting: *** 'D:\Inetpub\gic\source\extjs_source.plx' error message at: 2008/09/30 15:27:37 failed to create context: failed to create context: failed to load Template/Stash/ Couldn't ...

Perl ADO thinks printed output in stored procedure is an error!

First of all (in case this is important) I'm using ActiveState's Perl (v5.8.7 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread). I've just emerged from a three hour long debugging session, trying to find the source of an error. I found there was simply no error, but for some reason ADO's connection object was getting the Errors.Count increased with e...

How to add data to an element with ActiveState's dom package

In TCL, if you use the DOM package (available in the ActiveState distribution) you can create an xml. set xmlDoc [::dom::create] set root [::dom::document createElement $xmlDoc "trafficStatistics"] set statElement [::dom::document createElement $root "Tx_Frames"] ::dom::element setAttribute $statElement "type" "numericlist" ::dom::ele...

Why does ActivePython exist?

What's ActivePython actually about? From what I've read it's just standard Python with openssl and pyWin32 (on Win). No big deal I guess, I could install them in matter of minutes, and most people don't need them anyway. All other mentioned libraries (zlib, bzip2, sqlite3, Tkinter, ElementTree, ctypes, multiprocessing) are part of core...

Using the ALT key on Komodo for Mac OS X

I am using the Emacs keybinding on Komodo IDE where Komodo uses the command key for "Meta" by default. So you press Command-X when you normally press Alt+X for Emacs on Linux. I want to use the actual Alt key .. so when I tried to assign Alt+K, Komodo informs that "This key combination is not available" (see screenshot below) How do ...

How do I use Apache::Reload under ActiveState Perl on Windows?

I work with Activestate Perl on Windows and Apache. I want to run my scripts under mod_perl. To prevent Apache from caching modules during development I want to use Apache::Reload module. I have added the following lines to httpd.conf PerlModule Apache::Reload PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload PerlModule Apache2::RequestUtil Then I rest...

Is the Perl .plx filename extension ever used in real-life?

ActiveState Perl installs an IIS script mapping for the extension .plx. Is this actually used in real life or just something specific to ActiveState? ...

Windows with Plesk Panel installs ActiveState Python 2.5.0 - any thoughts?

I expect to run Pylons on a Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6 on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Most work with the VPS is done through the Plesk 8.6 panel. The Plesk panel has a lot of maintenance advantages for us. However, this Plesk configuration installs ActiveState Python 2.5.0. The Parallels Plesk documents for 8.6 and version 9 insis...

Return a perl object from a different perl class to C# using PerlNET

I have two Perl modules which I want to expose as object types to C#. One of them constructs objects of the other type and returns it using a method as shown below. I'm including a reference to Type2.dll in Type1.dll, and referencing them both in C#. As the code shows I can construct a Type2 object directly from C#, but I can't return a ...

Running a batch file from Perl (Activestate perl in Windows)

I have a Perl program which does something like below: #!perl use strict; use warnings; my $exe = "C:\\project\\set_env_and_run.bat"; my $arg1 = "\\\\Server\\share\\folder1"; my $arg2 = "D:\\output\\folder1"; my $cmd = "$exe \"$arg1\" \"$arg2\""; my $status = system("$cmd > c:\\tmp\\out.txt 2>&1"); print "$status\n"; I...

Windows equivalent of perl modules required (not available in activestate ppm) such as file::finder

Hi All, I'm attempting to import code written in linux into eclipse's perl plugin 'epic', and have installed activestate perl in windows. Most of the modules have an activestate equivalent, but some of them I can't find in ppm. Does anyone know how I can get the following modules so that the code can compile? File::Finder Spread...

Problems reading a binary file with ActivePerl?

I'm trying to read a binary file with the following code: open(F, "<$file") || die "Can't read $file: $!\n"; binmode(F); $data = <F>; close F; open (D,">debug.txt"); binmode(D); print D $data; close D; The input file is 16M; the debug.txt is only about 400k. When I look at debug.txt in emacs, the last two chars are ^A^C (SOH and ETX...

How can I install Crypt::SSLeay on a Win 64?

I've got 64-bit Vista with ActiveState Perl "v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread" and I'm trying to get the Crypt::SSLeay package installed along with versions of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. I've done this before on a Win32 machine using the 'uwinnipeg' server, but I'm running into issues with my 64-bit system. ppm install ht...