
How to load a python module into a fresh interactive shell in Komodo?

When using PyWin I can easily load a python file into a fresh interactive shell and I find this quite handy for prototyping and other exploratory tasks. I would like to use Komodo as my python editor, but I haven't found a replacement for PyWin's ability to restart the shell and reload the current module. How can I do this in Komodo? ...

How to start IDLE (Python editor) without using the shortcut on Windows Vista?

I'm trying to teach Komodo to fire up IDLE when I hit the right keystrokes. I can use the exact path of the shortcut in start menu in the Windows Explorer location bar to launch IDLE so I was hoping Komodo would be able to use it as well. But, giving this path to Komodo causes it to say that 1 is returned. This appears to be a failure...

Komodo Edit and Notepad++ ::: Pros & Cons ::: Python dev

I'm using Notepad++ for python development, and few days ago I found out about free Komodo Edit. I need Pros and Cons for Python development between this two editors... ...

Ruby gets function won't accept empty line more than once

I'm trying to write a simple ruby function that can prompt the user for a value and if the user presses ENTER by itself, then a default value is used. In the following example, the first call to the Prompt function can be handled by pressing ENTER by itself and the default value will be used. However, the second time I call Prompt and pr...

Komodo Edit: Running macros via keybinding versus toolbar

Question: Is anyone out there familiar enough with Komodo Edit to shed some light on this macro? I need to figure out how to do buffer text selection in a macro when it is invoked via the tool panel. Problem: I have a very simple macro in Komodo Edit javascript that works as expected, but only when invoked via a custom keybinding. If th...

Komodo Edit: How to do some of these basic Macro and Snippet operations?

I am wondering how to do (or where to find documentation) on these basic macro and snippet operations in Komodo Edit. 1) FILE/IO: write a string to a temporary file from within a komodo javascript macro 2) FILE/IO: read the content of a text file into a string within a komodo javascript macro 3) INCLUDES: cross-reference local javascr...

learning python 3.0 on ubuntu

[resolved] I tweaked the preferences in komodo edit and ended up with: don't auto indent don't allow file contents to override tab settings prefer tab characters over spaces 4 spaces per indent 4 width of each tab char I also set komodo to show whitespace and tabs, which eneded up revealing the screwed up sections. yeah - it's a ...

How can I add a project specific @INC module-path to Komodo without breaking syntax checking?

For a Perl porting project I am using ActiveState's Komodo IDE 5.1 For external reasons, the xyz.pm modules reside in a different directory tree. By adding a PERL5LIB=<> under the "environemt" tab of the debu/run dialog, I can show Komodo/Perl how to run the script. Unfortunately the syntax checking doesn't seem to evaluate those direc...

Komodo Extension

Continuing on with my Python learning, I just installed Komodo edit, are there any recommended add ins/extensions that I should include? Any recommendations on using it or another GUI designer (TkInter base)? ...

How do I add a color picker in Komodo?

How do I add a color picker in Komodo? I need to have a color picker utility for Komodo, if I work in a css file I want to be able to pick colors for my background colors etc. ...

Komodo Edit Changes Python sys.path If you "Show in Explorer"

I am using Komodo Edit, a code editor. When I right click on projects and click "Show in Explorer", it will pop up a box just like Windows Explorer at the directory my project is. This is very convenient. However, I noticed an insidious side effect. When you try to run a python file with this window that looks exactly like Windows Expl...

How can I integrate Moose into Komodo?

ActiveState's Komodo is my preferred Perl IDE on OS X and XP. Recently I've begun coding new projects using Moose. Has anyone found a way to teach Komodo how to "identify" Moose's Attribute and Method declarations? I would just love to see Moose-Support in the "Code Browser/Code Explorer" of Komodo. ...

How can a Perl script detect if it is running within the Komodo IDE?

One way I found is to check if the Perl Debugger is "loaded" by checking for defined($DB::single) and assuming Komodo is active, if $DB::single is defined.. But this might also mean the script is legitimately running as perl -d under the "standalone" debugger. #!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.10/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature...

What are the most important features of an IDE for Perl development?

As some of you might know I am the lead developer of Padre, the Perl IDE. In the first year of its development Padre became an acceptable text editor with some extra features for Perl development. I'd like to ask the Stack Overflow community for some help in driving the project further to turn it into an exceptional IDE for Perl develop...

Is there a free, preferrably open-source, stand-alone clone of Activestate's Komodo Rx Toolkit?

I find the regular expression toolkit tool in Komodo 4.1 pretty handy. Trouble is you have to dish out $300 for Komodo to use it. I'd love the same functionality in a stand alone tool... any suggestions? ...

How do I enable PerlCritic support in Komodo IDE 5.1 on Windows?

I'm trying to enable PerlCritic support in Komodo. The official word from ActiveState, the makers of Komodo IDE 5.1 (Win 32) is: "To enable PerlCritic support, please install the 'Perl-Critic' and 'criticism' modules." Well, installing Perl-Critic was a piece of cake: ppm install Bundle-Perl-Critic However, I've search every reposi...

Komodo Edit - code-completion for Django?

I've been using Komodo Edit for a small project in Django. The code completion features seem to work pretty well for standard python modules, however, it doesn't know anything about Django modules. Is there any way to configure Komodo Edit to use Django modules for autocomplete as well? ...

Using the ALT key on Komodo for Mac OS X

I am using the Emacs keybinding on Komodo IDE where Komodo uses the command key for "Meta" by default. So you press Command-X when you normally press Alt+X for Emacs on Linux. I want to use the actual Alt key .. so when I tried to assign Alt+K, Komodo informs that "This key combination is not available" (see screenshot below) How do ...

Explore a COM Object in PHP

What would be the proper way to explode a COM object for debugging? I have a 3rd party function that returns a multilevel object. The documentation is non existant, so I'd like to be able to echo everything out of the object or debug it in Komodo IDE. Komodo just says Object and nothing else. Maybe convert to array? I know some of...

Creating class instance properties from a dictionary in Python

I'm importing from a CSV and getting data roughly in the format { 'Field1' : 3000, 'Field2' : 6000, 'RandomField' : 5000 } The names of the fields are dynamic. (Well, they're dynamic in that there might be more than Field1 and Field2, but I know Field1 and Field2 are always going to be there. I'd like to be able to pass in this dict...