
In Erlang is there any way that a message sender can wait on a response?

In Erlang is there any way that a message sender can wait on a response, so it only continues execution once the message has been processed? And I mean something like this: Actor ! DoSomething Continue to this next line of code when DoSomething has been processed I know a callback can be made by sending the Pid of the sender, but is ...

Simple Scala actor question

I'm sure this is a very simple question, but embarrassed to say I can't get my head around it: I have a list of values in Scala. I would like to use use actors to make some (external) calls with each value, in parallel. I would like to wait until all values have been processed, and then proceed. There's no shared values being modified...

is there any scala network library with actor model

hi all i'm now to scala. i need a network library with actor model. or the best choise is java.nio? ...

Is there a mean to specify specialization-genralization (inheritance) of actors in UML?

I am just starting to use UML and have came to the following question: Some actors clearly are specialized versions of a natural entity. For example I've got Administrator and User actors which are clearly nothing but different roles of a user, Authorizer and Dispatcher which are services (and are going to be implemented this way). Shou...

Scala 2.8 Actor design document? Akka design document?

Is there a design document for Scala 2.8 Actors, like it is for 2.7? Scala Actors: Unifying Thread-based and Event-based Programming Is there one for Akka? The "Scala Improvement Documents Library" doesn't mention Actors. ...

scala actor message definition

Do i need to define class for message i want to retrieve on a scala actor? i trying to get this up where am i wrong def act() { loop { react { case Meet => foundMeet = true ; goHome case Feromone(qty) if (foundMeet == true) => sender ! Feromone(qty+1); goHome }}} ...

Which ThreadPool in Java should I use?

There are a huge amount of tasks. Each task is belong to a single group. The requirement is each group of tasks should executed serially just like executed in a single thread and the throughput should be maximized in a multi-core (or multi-cpu) environment. Note: there are also a huge amount of groups that is proportional to the number o...

How is "become" implemented in languages that support the actor model?

The actor model is nicely described by Gul Agha on his technical report, "Actors: a model of concurrent computation in distributed systems". On page 49 he explains the "become" command: become <expression> After calling "become X", an actor will forward all his messages to another actor's mailbox (X). I'm not sure, however, how this...

Scala actors exception "react on channel belonging to other actor"

Given the following code: class A extends Actor { def act() { loop { reactWithin(1000) { case _ => println("A Message") } } } } and class B extends A { val test = { loop { reactWithin(1000) { case "B" => println("B Message") } } } } Creating an instance of ...

Actor-model library, framework, or language written in C?

The Actor-model was defined in a 1973 paper by Carl Hewitt, but has been popularized by the Erlang language. I believe the parts of Erlang that aren't self-hosted (written in Erlang) are written in C; BEAM and HiPE are written mostly in C. What are some alternative Actor-model implementations (languages, frameworks, or libraries) that ar...

scala lift actor, error: type mismatch;

Greetings I'm using the scala version 2.8.0 and version 2.1 of lift to compile my project with maven I mark the following error: error: type mismatch; [INFO] required: **scala.actors.Actor** [INFO] Auctioneer !? AddListener(**this**, this.itemId) match { [INFO] ^ error: type mismatch; [INFO] requ...